doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 1 Wireless Interworking Group Overview and WLAN-3G Interworking Thomas Haslestad, TK Tan, Takashi Aramaki, Stephen McCann
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 2 Content 1.Status of WLAN/WWAN Work 2.WIG Scope 3.WIG Administration/organisational Issues 4.Planning of Work Items for WIG 5.Production of Official Statements 6.Issues raised on Sunday a.3GPP relationship b.How does IEEE act on WIG?
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 3 WLAN – 3G Interworking
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 4 Overview ETSI BRAN scope Coupling Authentication Accounting Relationship with external bodies
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 5 ETSI BRAN 3G Interworking Originally European standardisation project looking at Hiperlan/2 WLAN standard. GENERIC WLAN extension for 3G Interworking. 3G Interworking standard is NOT just for Hiperlan/2. Also suitable for and HiSWANa Scope is for all external interfaces of WLAN system
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 6 Coupling
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 7 Coupling Flavours Loose Coupling –Avoids use of core network gateways (e.g. SSGN) –Applicable to many 2.5G, 3G systems Tight Coupling –WLAN is an alternative UTRAN –Specific to particular network technology Hybrid
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 8 Loose Coupling Defines a ‘control plane only’ convergence layer Handles primarily AAA issues –Can authenticate using SIM or other identifier –Focus is on security and roaming support –Intra-network mobility and QoS are handled in ‘user plane’
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 9 Loose Coupling Architecture
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 10 …a little more detail
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 11 Interworking model (for H2)
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 12 Interworking architecture
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide Phy MAC 802.1x/EAPoL EAP EAP Method Phy MAC 802.1x/EAPoL EAP Radius IETF Transport EAP EAP Method Radius IETF Transport Service providers net AP MT WLAN AN HL2/HiSWANa i GST/EAPoH EAP EAP Method GST/EAPoH EAP Diameter IETF Transport EAP EAP Method Diameter IETF Transport Phy DLC/RLC Phy
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 14 Authentication EAP Method /Response EAP Method /Success/Failure MTAPAAAHSS/ HLR RBCH_Association MAC ID Assignment Link Capability Encryption Startup Identity Exchange - EAP LC & ES Validation EAP Method /Challenge MTAPAAAHSS/ HLR Association Link Capability /ID Assignment Identity Exchange - EAP EAP Method /Challenge EAP Method /Response EAP Method /Success/Failure Encryption Startup Re-keying HL-3G i
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 15 Current standardisation
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 16 ETSI BRAN & MMAC HSWA Scope “Provisioning of a Hiperlan/2 and HiSWANa interworking standard that is generically applicable to different 3G interworking networks and other types of public access networks.” Release 1 –To provide a secure authentication scheme through the network to be interworked –To provide basic functionality for charging and accounting Release 2 –To provide support for functionality such as service integration, mobility and QoS differentiation support
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 17 IEEE To establish a joint-effort between and ETSI BRAN/MMAC HSWA for the interworking of WLANs to 3G Cellular systems. EAPOH (EAP over Hiperlan/HiSWAN) provides an identical authentication approach to that of IEEE 802.1x (EAPOL).
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 18 WIG (Brief History) Motion Approved in St. Louis (March 2002)Motion Approved in St. Louis (March 2002) –Move that the WNG Standing Committee requests the WG to accept the invitation from ETSI-BRAN and MMAC to participate in the “WLAN – 3G and other Public Access networks “interworking” project.
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 19 Future
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 20
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 21 Content 1.Status of WLAN/WWAN Work 2.WIG Scope 3.WIG Administration/organisational Issues 4.Planning of Work Items for WIG 5.Production of Official Statements 6.Issues raised on Sunday a.3GPP relationship b.How does IEEE act on WIG?
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 22 2) DRAFT WIG Scope To be an integral part in the production of a generically applicable interworking standard for WWAN and other public networks. The standard is to be applicable for IEEE family, MMAC HiSWAN family and ETSI HIPERLAN/2 To be the point of resolution for ETSI, IEEE and MMAC on issues related to interworking with WWAN and other public networks. To be the single point of contact for the above mentioned WLAN standards on questions related to interworking with WWAN and other public networks.
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 23 2) Scope of Standardisation Stack Level Mobile Service Provider Radio L1/L2 System AAA W.2 Common Standards for WLANs Mutual scope of co-operation
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 24 3)WIG Administrational and Organizational Issues Rules of the group Meeting Schedule Chairmanship Internal Interfaces External Interfaces
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 25 3.i) Rules of the Group a.Meeting Rules Gentlemen’s agreement (Achieve consensus) b.Approval Rules Approvals should be achieved at the separate standardisation groups. (All approved items are distributed to other participating groups.) c.IPR Rules All docs will be subject to the existing IPR in all Std. Org. (e.g. an IPR Claim in WIG will be necessary to make the claim to IEEE,ETSI and MMAC) – –IPR Rules of MMAC –IPR Rules of IEEE
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 26 3.ii) Meeting Schedule HSWA#7 Apr 3-4 HSWA#8 Jun HSWA#9 Sep BRAN#28 Apr Sophia Antipolis BRAN#29 Jul 2-5 Sophia Antipolis BRAN#30 Oct 1-4 Sophia Antipolis BRAN#31 Dec Sophia Antipolis BRAN#32 Feb ? Sophia Antipolis #74 May Sydney #76 Sep 9-13 Monterey WIG#1 Monterey #75 Jul 8-12 Vancouver #77 Nov Kauai #78 Jan ? ???? Tokyo HSWA#10 Nov Tokyo HSWA#11 Jan/Feb??? WIG#2 Tokyo
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 27 3.iii) Chairmanship The chairmanship is owned by the hosting committee –From the start of the meeting until the start of the following WIG meeting
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 28 3.iv) Internal Interfaces a.How to exchange documents? – – All organisations must have access to each others documents. –ETSI/MMAC: –IEEE : –Lists of available and existing docs needs to be anounced on . –ETSI/BRAN documents: “Submitted XL sheet”
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 29 3.iv) Internal Interfaces b.How to communicate internally? Necessary to deploy a joint exploder.
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 30 3.v) External Interface a.How to communicate with other bodies? Procedure for production of “Liaison” Statements and approval of such. Existing Procedures: ETSI BRAN: Approval at plenary or through correspondence. 14 days commenting window. MMAC HSWA: Approval at plenary or through correspondence. 3 days commenting window IEEE : Approval at plenary Suggested WIG Procedure: Chairman calls for consensus on WIG mail exploder Approval at each separate Std. Org. through the necessary procedure for the most rapid process overall.
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 31 4) Work Plan - Phased Approach Release 1 Content: Network Access Control Functions, – Authentication Network Management Functions – Subscriber handling Security Functions. QoS – Best Effort Basic -charging Release 2 Content: Network Access Control Functions – Charging Network Managements Functions Mobility Management Functions, – Mobility within and between WLAN – Mobility between WLAN and 3G – Security functions – Subscriber Managment functions Service Integration – IP Multimedia Subsystem – Location Based Services Quality of Service,
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 32 4) Suggestion for Work Plan 1.Agreement on WIG Working Method and Workplan (Phased approach) 2.MMAC/ETSI Provides a first Input to R1 3.IEEE to comment and decide on which issues that is agreable or not 4.Iterations 5.Consensus for Release 1 6.Ask for Approval for Release 1 7.Timeline for Release 2
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 33 4) Suggestion for Work Plan Agreement on WIG Working Method and Workplan (Phased approach) MMAC/ETSI produces a layout for mutual standard with the suggested content of R1 (close to realisation today) IEEE to comment and decide on which issues that is agreable or not Iterations Consensus for Release 1 Ask for Approval for Release 1 Timeline for Release September WIG# October BRAN# October – 06. December December – WIG#2 5.WIG#2 6.Following plenary meetings at each Std. Org. 7.WIG#2 =>
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 34 5) Liaison Statements WIG does exists WIG#2 is planned Need to inform all parties involved in WIG related activities that WIG exists and has the intention of producing a mutual standard.
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 35 5) Liaison Statements 3GPP –SA: Niels Andersen, Chairman 3GPP SA SA1: Kevin Holley, Chairman 3GPP SA1 SA2:Puuskari Mikko, Chairman 3GPP SA2 SA3: Michael Walker, Chairman 3GPP SA3 3GPP2 –Richard Robinson, Chairman 3GPP2 TSG-S GSM Association –Chairman of GSM Association, WLAN Task Force WiFi Alliance, H2GF WISPr PassOne IETF, Open Group
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 36 6) Issues raised Sep 8, GPP Relationship How does IEEE act on WIG?
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 37 3GPP relationship Issues raised: –Is WIG going to be heard by other groups such as 3GPP –What is the difference between the work done in 3GPP and the work to be done in WIG
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 38 3GPP SA Established contact with the following: SA1 : Requirements –Produced finished TR as technology report, 6 levels of ‘coupling’ identified SA2 : System Architecture –Now working on TR based network roaming requirements with single interface to WLAN. SA3 : Security –Authentication method for loosely coupled interworking will be based on EAP. –ETSI/BRAN & MMAC HSWA has been formarly invited to participate.
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 39 WLAN Interworking Scenarioer Scenario 1 Common Billing and Customer Care Single customer relationship, independent security, no impact on 3GPP Scenario 2 3GPP system based access control and Charging Authentication, Authoriation and Accounting in 3G, 3G security level Scenario 3 Access to 3GPP system based services over WLAN (eg. IMS) Scenario 4 Service Continuity Support change of access network for the activated services Scenario 5 Seamless Services Scenario 6 Access to 3GPP CS Services
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 40 Ref. architecture from 3GPP SA2 WLAN Access Network (with or without an intermediate network) UE Intranet / Internet Wr/Wb 3GPP Home Network 3GPP AAA HSS Wx OCS CGw/CCF Wf Wo
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 41
doc.: IEEE /557r0 Submission September 2002 Haslestad, Tan, Aramaki, McCannSlide 42 Ref. architecture from 3GPP SA2 Intranet / Internet Wr/Wb 3GPP Home Network 3GPP AAA HSS Wx OCS CGw/CCF Wf Wo