Administrative Handling Fee Reports and Electronic Payments Phil Poole
2 Made payable to: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Sent Quarterly to SEWP Office: NASA SEWP Program Greenbelt Rd. Suite 270 Lanham, MD Tracking and Late Notices Checks
3 Sample Check
4 Please submit the soft copy in Microsoft Excel format Must send hard copy with the check and soft copy to SEWP Office Soft copies submitted to Theresa Kinney and Philip Poole Must be sorted by OSN or Order Number Back ups
5 Company:ABC Inc. Date:1/1/2009 For Quarter:Beginning October Ending December 2008 SEWP IV ORDERNOOSNORDERDATESURCHARGEORDERTOTAL /17/ , HJHJHJH /11/061, , N /08/063, , H /28/0610, ,375, $ 15, Sorted by OSN
6 Quarterly Surcharge Statements sent out Partial Payment Credit/Changes Items paid before on statement Check number Date sent Cancelled Orders Quarterly Reconciliation OSNOrder NumberAward DateTotal AmountTotal SurchSurch OwedSurch PaidDif 2012HSI909Thu Jun 8 00:00:00 EDT JSLAP9382JFKTue Sep 01 00:00:00 EDT CHIPJA980Thu Sep 4 00:00:00 EDT $ 1,349.84
7 Past Due Notice 01/01/2010 Payment Past Due Dear Contract Holder, This is to inform you that your Surcharge Payment is Past Due to the SEWP Office. Your last payment was check# XXXX, dated 01/01/2010. Per the SEWP Contract, you are responsible for sending in your payments on a quarterly basis. Please let me know if you think you have received this message in error or if there are any issues concerning your payment, before it affects your Past Performance status. Thanks Theresa Kinney NASA/SEWP Program Financial Manager FAX
8 Going Green MUST notify SEWP of the Electronic payment MUST have your unique Customer Number to enter payment MUST send SEWP soft and hard copy of back up to enter in SEWP database MUST receive confirmation on received payment Electronic Payment
9 Submit payment Notify SEWP Program Office of payment Call / Confirmation Copied on Confirmation through Send Soft Copy of Back up to Phil Poole Submitting Payment
10 Sending Confirmation through
11 Subject: Pay.Gov Payment Confirmation THIS IS AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY. Your transaction has been successfully completed. Payment Summary Application Name: GSFC Accounts Receivable Collection Tracking ID: 24V56RI6 Payment Agency Tracking ID: Name On Account: Contract Holder Payment Amount: $154, Payment Date: Nov 21, :22:05 PM Account Type: Business Checking Routing Number: Bank Account Number: XXXXXX4504 Transaction Date: Nov 20, :22:05 PM Contact Telephone Number: XXXX Customer Number : 108XXX Bill or Debt ID Number: NNG07DAXXB Type of Debt (Employee, Payroll, Salary, Other): SEWP Surcharge Fee from to SEWP
12 Please pass this on to your financial people or whoever deals with payments. Contact Info