Announcements Lab quiz this week on PCR & DNA. Get started on 30 Days experiment, create schedule/timeline/calendar, use preliminary data DRAFT2 Figures Craft message to seek mutant DNA from scientist (positive control) Sent from address, only one author, short
Dear Dr. Rubenstein, I just read your 2006 PNAS paper “Regulatory interactions of N1303K- CFTR”, and the results of your experiments were very helpful to us. Currently, here at Michigan State, we are developing a PCR method to detect various CFTR mutations including the presence of N1303K and we were hoping that you might be able to share with us cells or a DNA sample containing this mutation. We would be very grateful if you were able to assist us. Please let us know if it is possible to get some DNA containing the N1303K mutation from you. Thanks, John Stein, Michigan State University, Lyman Briggs College of Science
DNA Structure LB 145 February 1, 2011
Ribose Sugar
Nitrogenous Bases
DNA is called DE-oxy…Why? A. Each nucleotide incorporates 10 oxygen atoms B. Nucleotides function anaerobically (don’t require oxygen to function) C. Oxygen donates electrons to the nucleotide during DNA replication reactions D. A hydroxide group is missing from the ribose sugar in each nucleotide
Nucleotide Polymer (5’ & 3’)
Phosphodiester bond is an example of what kind of reaction? A. Condensation Reaction B. Elimination Reaction C. Substitution Reaction D. Diels-Alder Reaction