Move into groups of your ‘like-signs’. Read the horoscope for your sign (pages 2-3 of your handout) and discuss as a group whether there are any of.


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Presentation transcript:

Move into groups of your ‘like-signs’. Read the horoscope for your sign (pages 2-3 of your handout) and discuss as a group whether there are any of the Domains of the e5 Instructional Model you (star sign group) are generally more comfortable with and whether there are any that you find particularly challenging. Please be prepared to share your ‘findings’.

The Explain Domain has 3 capabilities:  Presents new content  Develops language and literacy  Strengthens connections

Within this capability teachers are expected to explicitly teach relevant knowledge, concepts and skills.

Page 4 of your handout has some Standards for Level 5 Science. We have provided a sample of what we would like you to do. The first thing is to identify the knowledge, concepts and skills that are embedded with the standards. Discuss our example in your table groups.

Scrutinise the standards that are provided in the handout (p5 - 8) that are relevant to the VELS Level in which you are working. What are the relevant knowledge, concepts and skills required by students at your year level that are able to be identified in the Standards that you are investigating? Complete the table in your workbook on p2.

Gather ideas from your table group as to how you might present the knowledge, concepts and skills to students at your level. Complete the A3 proforma on your table. This page is replicated in your workbook on p3.

Bring in different types of scales eg bathroom Picture of the known universe Globe – physical model KNOWLEDGE BIG BANG THEORY! CONCEPTS Sea levels Earth is flat – why don’t we still believe that? Drip water on chalk to model the process of erosion SKILLS Give each group a scientific fact and have them see where it is used in their world. Fact vs Opinion Give the kids Lego and ask what it could help them to investigate.. Copy on P29 h/out

Within the Capability of Presenting New Content, teachers are expected to represent the content in multiple ways. What do you think this means? Discuss at your table. Be prepared to share your thoughts.

Working in pairs, shuffle the cards provided and interview each other as we just demonstrated. Place your scores in the template provided (one per person) in your Workbook on P4. Place your name under your ‘preferred’ intelligence on the white board.

Read pages 9 to 11 and highlight points of interest.

One way to look at MI theory is to see each Intelligence as an entry point into a learner’s world. A door that opens.

Look at page 12 of your handout. We have listed some possible tasks that would allow ALL students to be engaged through preferred intelligence/s in multiple ways within this scientific investigation.

Consider a task for each Multiple Intelligence that will ensure that you engage ALL learners with the content at some point throughout the learning sequence. Record your ideas on p5 of your workbook. Ideas for each MI can be found on pages of your handout.

 Working in groups of 3 at your table, write examples of teacher practice, Levels 1 to 4.  On your table (and on Day 2 USB) are copies of the examples written by us that you worked with on Day 2. This should help guide your thinking.  Record your examples on p6 of your workbook.

Within this capability teachers are asked to teach the language of the discipline. Read ‘Modelling the language of academic discussions’ on pages 21 and 22 of your handout.

In order to do this teachers need to develop a glossary of relevant terms and phrases that they know students will need in order to make sense of material they are engaging with.

Create a glossary of terms and phrases that students at your level will need in order to master the standards you have been working with. You have 5 minutes to record as many glossary words or phrases as you can on p7 of the workbook.

Page 23 in your handout has a numbered list of ways you can ‘explicitly’ teach this glossary. On your table are three numbers – these are the strategies you are working with today. Your tasks is to identify what your students would do with the words after they have completed the strategy you have provided them with. Record your ideas on p8 Of your Workbook.

Let’s look at number 15 which is ‘use a dictionary’. Students could find dictionary definitions of these 5 words: time scales, theoretical, calibrate, jurassic, mesozoic. These then need to be put into a paragraph that indicates understanding of each word. They will then read work from another student and discuss whether or not they have come up with similar understandings of these words.

 Against this capability of ‘Develops language and literacy”, choose one of the generic statements. Consider your own teacher practice and position yourself along the continuum for that statement (in the thinking bubble on p9 of your workbook).  Write a description (example of what you might do) if you were operating at the next level (in the star on p9). Give it a go back at school!

Your task is to consider the Concepts you identified in the Standards you have been working with. In your workbook (p10) record an example, that would relate to your students, to demonstrate each concept and an analogy to help them connect the concept to existing knowledge. Examples of our thinking are in your handout on p 24.

 Consider the staff at your school in terms of this Capability (Strengthens connections). Discuss with your peers which level you believe the majority of your staff would sit.  Devise 3 strategies for your school that would support staff choosing to move forward in this Capability For example: Running an “Analogy of the Day” staff competition

“Attending an e5 Train The Trainer session is like... Because...” EG Attending an e5 Train The Trainer session is like going to a David Jones End of Season Sale... I know I’m gonna come home with lots of goodies, but in the pile will be at least one thing I want to use as soon as possible.”

Read the short extract provided on page 25 and highlight the main points for you with regard to a collaborative peer feedback program.

One way that teachers can learn from each and provide feedback to colleagues is to have a protocol established whereby teachers go in and out of each other’s classrooms in a systematic and organised manner. The classroom visits must be organised with mutual consent from all parties and with a clear plan outlining what is being observed and what feedback is required.

Working in pairs or threes, identify the skills, knowledge and behaviours that you think are necessary for teachers to become collaborative learners within their school. Use information in your handout provided on the 16 Habits of Mind (page 26) to assist with your brainstorming. Complete Page 11 of your workbook.

What needs to be in place for a program such as this to happen? For example transparency, modelling by school leaders, trust needs to be developed, purpose of program is made explicit etc.

Look at a statement that could not be generally questioned or disputed and then try to break down the wall by outlining different ways of dealing with any problems that may arise.

‘If we establish a Peer Collaboration Program amongst the teachers at our school it will assist with embedding and contextualising the e5 Instructional Model and will provide support for all teachers to be their best.’

 Identify 5 issues that could arise in relation to the statement to place in the bricks on the A3 proforma on your table.  Now break down the brick wall by providing ways around the issues you have raised and write the strategies in the spaces provided.  This page has been replicated on p 12 of your workbook.

People develop skills through:  learning relevant concepts  getting good quality feedback on performance  reflecting constructively on feedback  deciding to do something different in future to improve performance

People will be inhibited from learning from feedback if they:  feel unsafe  feel the need to defend themselves  are unable to see how to apply the feedback to improve performance

The ‘Yes and’ Principle  The Art of BUT Listening  The word “BUT” acts to negate whatever it follows, so when used in reply to an idea, as “yes, but…” it relays a message that we disagree with the idea, and the word ‘yes’ is meaningless.  Compare these two phrases:  ‘Thanks for your idea, but let me tell you about…’  ‘Thanks for your idea, and let me tell you about..”

The ‘Yes and’ Principle  BUT – disconnects, demolishes and creates spikes.  AND – connects, builds and creates flow. Fundamentally it is about your ability to acknowledge the validity of an expressed opinion.

‘It was great to see the kids asking so many questions BUT most of them were closed questions.’ ‘It was great to see the kids asking so many questions AND if you provided them with the question stems from the higher levels of Bloom’s they would have generated richer questions.’

On page 13 of your workbook are things you may see in a colleague’s classroom about which you are going to provide feedback. Generate a ‘BUT’ answer and fix it by generating a ‘YES’ answer. Write your ideas in your workbook.

The first table to identify the Domain and the Capability that underpinned the ‘feedback’ examples in the last activity, wins a prize!

Look at the peer observation proforma on page 28 of your handout. Have a discussion at your table about how this may be used in a collaborative peer feedback program you may set up in your school.

Present what has been learnt about giving and receiving feedback in MI groups based on ‘content, process, product’ sheets.