How do Drugs effect us? What are the different types of drugs? How do drugs affect us Symptoms Signs Physical effects problems How can they be harmful? We will be exploring the many different drugs and how they effect us in different ways We will be looking at the harmful effects of drugs Finally we will be looking at anti drug campaigns in order to produce our own anti drug advertisement. These materials are © 2013 Stephanie Nelson, FLINDERS UNIVERSITY, all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345
2. Information Sources The following links will provide you with information about the different types of drugs and their effects. Its important to get familiar with these websites in order to complete the final assessment task. These materials are © 2004 STEPHANIE NELSON, FLINDERS UNIVERSITY, all rights reserved. 6 Next Fun, exploring website for drug and alcohol information Further information on the effects on the different types of drugsdrugs Depressants Stimulants Hallucinogens Get familiar with a list of anti drug campaigns. Will help form ideas. campaigns Fantastic Anti drug videos (real life examples).videos National drugs Campaign provides information about 7 most common drugs National drugs Campaign
3. The Student Activity For this next task use you’re knowledge gained from the previously explored resources as well as visiting the National Drugs Campaign website to fill out your own personal Drugs fact sheetNational Drugs CampaignDrugs fact sheet Follow the directions: In partners 1.Visit the Nation Drugs Campaign webpage above 2.On the home page the purple tab along the top is a list of drugs 3.Hover over each drug and a list of additional tabs will appear 4.Summarize the information given about the drug under each tab 5.record this in dot point form onto the drugs fact sheet table provided into corresponding sections. In partners fill out Drugs fact sheet 1) Visit the webpage provided 2) Select one of the Drugs listed in the Purple tabs 3) View each of the categories 4) Summarise and record in dot points onto the drugs fact sheet These materials are © 2004 STEPHANIE NELSON, FLINDERS UNIVERSITY, all rights reserved. 6 Next 12345
4. The Assessment Activity After exploring the resources provided on slide two and completing the partner activity you should we well aware of the types of drugs and their effects on people. Select a specific drug you wish to explore in further detail to create your own anti-drug advertising campaign informing people of the facts and the dangers of drug use. These materials are © 2004 STEPHANIE NELSON, FLINDERS UNIVERSITY, all rights reserved. 6 Next Using your knowledge of a particular drug of your choice create an ANTI-DRUG campaign.Using your knowledge of a particular drug of your choice create an ANTI-DRUG campaign. The resources provided will help formulate ideas of current and existing programs. This will help you with your own design.The resources provided will help formulate ideas of current and existing programs. This will help you with your own design. This campaign must be informative explaining what the drug is, signs and symptoms, physical effects and problems (long term and short term) the drug can cause.This campaign must be informative explaining what the drug is, signs and symptoms, physical effects and problems (long term and short term) the drug can cause. This campaign must highlight the harmful effects while promoting drug safety.This campaign must highlight the harmful effects while promoting drug safety. This campaign may be presented in any format desiredThis campaign may be presented in any format desired Some examples: poster, brochure, video, oral Presentation, Prezi, PowerPoint etc. Campaign Formats must be approvedCampaign Formats must be approved Campaigns must be created using technologyCampaigns must be created using technology You must remember to reference every resource you use to find information and images.You must remember to reference every resource you use to find information and images. Click Here for the assignment Rubric Here
5. Enrichment Activities Found this topic negative or scary? Want something more uplifting and inspirational? Search Above the influenceAbove the influence ‘Above the Influence. It’s a state of mind. It’s about being yourself and not letting negative influence get to you. Pressure to drink, do drugs or do anything that goes against who you are in order to fit in—that’s negative influence. And if you’re one of the teens who want to stay above it, you’ve come to the right spot.’ TAKE THIS QUICK QUIZ TO SEE HOW MUCH YOU'RE AFFECTED BY PRESSURE : QUIZ These materials are © 2004 STEPHANIE NELSON, FLINDERS UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL, all rights reserved. 6 Next Test your knowledge click on the quizzes below. Drug free world quizquiz The Spinner; Drug and Alcohol trivia The Spinner Want to learn more? Fill in this additional fact sheet about the different types of drugs: Drug types fact sheet.. Click here for more informationDrug types fact sheethere
6. Teacher Support Materials Subject: Health & Physical Education Topic:Drugs and Alcohol Year:9 ACARA Framework the ACARA Framework students addressing the Personal, social and community health Strand within the Health and Physical Education Framework. Focus area: ‘Drug use (including managing use of prescribed and over-the- counter drugs, links between drug use and other health behaviours, nature of drug/substance use and impacts on individuals and communities, assertive behaviours, managing risk-taking behaviours, drugs in sport)’ key idea: Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Outcome: 6.8 Evaluate and apply health information from a range of sources to health decisions and situations likely to be experienced. 6.9 Plan and rehearse responses to a range of situations where their own or others’ health, wellbeing and/or safety may be at risk Key idea: Contribution to healthy and active communities Outcome: 6.10 Propose and implement strategies to enhance the health and wellbeing of their community Extra Materials Drugs effects Presentation PowerPoint Assessment rubric Drugs fact worksheets Additional drugs fact sheet Lesson objectives: This lesson was designed to engage students in the harmfulness of drugs and how they can affect ones health and wellbeing. Students will apply their knowledge of the affects of drugs to create a health promoting campaign to educate people on the dangers of drug use. General capabilities: Using ICT to create publication Critical and creative thinking to formulate ideas These materials are © 2004 STEPHANIE NELSON, FLINDERS UNIVERSITY, all rights reserved