Green Engineering PC Committee Meeting Aerospace Sciences Meeting 8 January 2013 Jason Slagle
2 Agenda Welcome & Introductions (Jason Slagle)5:30-5:35 PC Overview (Jason Slagle)5:35-5:45 Dinner (All)5:45-6:15 Guest Speaker (Brien Seeley)5:45-6:15 Membership Report (Marty Bradley)6:15-6:30 Subcommittee Reports (All/Bradley)6:30-6:45 Conference Report (Wahls/Benchergui)6:45-6:55 AIAA Candidates (Jim Rankin)6:55-7:00 New business / Around the room (All)7:00-7:05
3 Introductions Biofuels Renewable Energy Energy Conversion Efficiency Airframe Efficiency AIAA Conferences & Literature Recycling Operations Climate Monitoring
4 Valerie Lyons, Co-Chair GEPC After 37 years at NASA, Valerie is moving on to a new phase of her career. GEPC Recognition Congratulations Valerie….we wish you the best in retirement!
5 Recent Conference Performance Issues / Help Needed Hosted panel and technical sessions at ASM 2012 JPC / IECEC 2012 ASM 2013 IEEE EnergyTech 2013 Established the key organizational structure and subcommittees but work still remains Place ALL members in a position Would like to explore group funding for a one-time purchase of committee shirts Accomplishments Increased membership 40% Planned / Held over 12 panel and technical sessions Coordinated conference technical sessions Wrote GEPC article for High Speed Airbreathing Propulsion newsletter Contributed to public policy key issues and information papers Submitted RFP to Aircraft Design TC for Student Design Competition: “Design of a 2030 Regional Airliner Considering Hybrid Electric Propulsion” Completed PC assessment Developed PC website Presented GEPC overview at multiple TC meetings & recruited Submitted annual report Supported K-12 STEM activities including “Engineers as Educators”, “Ask Polaris” and “Ask an Engineer” Create a “Green” track, better integrate with conferences, and support conference planning & coordination Continue to build out the overall committee and subcommittee leadership, and identify additional liaisons AA articles Four committee meetings scheduled for 2013 (ASM, JPC, and two telecons) Initiatives & Plans Financial Status and Other Activities Current balance: $0 Spending has been limited to meeting dinners. GEPC Overview & Accomplishments
6 Established Air Breathing Propulsion TC’s NASA ERA NASA SFW Atmospheric and Space Aircraft Design TC Applied Aero TC K-12 STEM EPT CoS – Electric Propulsion Testing Standards ETC – Emerging Technologies Committee FAA CLEEN Fluid Dynamics TC Emerging Technologies Terrestrial Energy Systems TC Energy Optimized Aircraft and Equipment Systems PC Public Policy IEEE INCOSE IGTI PC Chair Jason Slagle P.O. Box 3707 MC 0Y-EK Seattle, WA Valerie Lyons Brookpark Rd MS Cleveland, OH Membership Chair Marty Bradley Significant progress made to mature the organization, identify subcommittee leaders, and place members in active roles PC Members 52 Total – 43 Regular – 3 YPs – 6 International Category – Industry (43%) – Academia (33%) – Government (24%) International members –2 Japan –1 United Kingdom –1 Egypt –1 South Africa –1 Thailand Technical Area – Green Aviation (52%) – Green Energy (48%) PC Liaisons Membership Summary
7 GEPC Meeting Rhythm Past Meetings ASM 2009 – GEPC Working Group Kickoff JPC/IECEC 2009 – Working Group Mtg October 2009 – Working Group Mtg ASM 2010 – Working Group Mtg July 2010 – Working Group Meeting JPC/IECEC 2010 – GEPC Proposal & Mtg ASM 2011 – GEPC Committee Mtg April 2011 – GEPC Committee Mtg JPC/IECEC 2011 – GEPC Committee Mtg ASM GEPC Committee Mtg April 2012 – GEPC Committee Mtg JPC/IECEC – GEPC Committee Mtg GEPC holds face-to-face meetings at ASM and JPC/IECEC Additional telecons are held in April and October Starting additional meeting rhythm for subcommittee leads Future Meetings ASM 2013 Face-to-face meeting at ASM conference January 2013 Follow up telecon on Jan 29th April 2013 Telecon on April 9th JPC / IECEC Face-to-face meeting at JPC / IECEC conference October 2013 Telecon on Oct 8th
Activity Plan Submit completed annual report by end of January Create GEPC track for JPC, ASM, EnergyTech & other TBD conferences Coordinate sessions for conferences (ASM, JPC, etc.) Complete TAC committee self assessment spreadsheet Create / support a green student design competition Support K-12 STEM Create, support or co-sponsor a green AIAA award Hold a GEPC logo competition Author a year-in-review article for Aerospace America Characterize key challenges for green in the aerospace industry Review and contribute to Key Issues for the Public Policy Committee Fill all subcommittee leader roles Sample plan…to be worked and finalized at Jan 29th meeting
9 Guest Speaker Brien Seeley President, CAFE Foundation Host of the Green Flight Challenge
10 GEPC Membership Report
Green Engineering PC - Membership ASM 2013 Grapevine Texas 8 January 2013 Marty Bradley Membership Chair
Established Air Breathing Propulsion TC’s NASA ERA NASA SFW Atmospheric and Space Aircraft Design TC Applied Aero TC Energy Oprimized Aircraft PC EPT CoS – Electric Propulsion Testing Standards ETC – Emerging Technologies Committee FAA CLEEN Terrestrial Energy Systems TC IGTI IEEE Navy DoE Adaptive Structures Propulsion for Future Flight TC Asian Liaison PC Chairs Jason Slagle P.O. Box 3707 MC 0Y-EK Seattle, WA Valerie Lyons Brookpark Rd MS Cleveland, OH Membership Chair Marty Bradley Significant progress made to establish the organization, identify subcommittee leaders, and place members in positions PC Members 52 Total – 43 Regular – 3 YPs – 6 International Category – Industry (43%) – Academia (33%) – Government (24%) International members –2 Japan –1 United Kingdom –1 Egypt –1 South Africa –1 Thailand Technical Area – Green Aviation (52%) – Green Energy (48%) Warning: Only 15 (50%) of members responded to request for membership information PC Liaisons Membership Summary
Green Engineering Program Committee Publication / Communications xxx Awards Sivaram Gogineni Education Essam Khalil Membership Marty Bradley Service Subcommittee Representatives Technical Subcommittee Representatives Co-Chair Jason Slagle Vice Chair (Future Chair) xxx Past Co-Chairs xxx, yyy Conferences Rich Wahls Liaison xxx Co-Chair Valerie Lyons Green Aviation Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor Green Energy John Blanton Standards xxx Public Policy Jason Slagle
GEPC Membership Actions We want to encourage “active” members Make sure your information is recorded in Membership Spreadsheet 1.Report your technical area (Green Aviation or Green Energy) – to know who to contact for special technical sessions, abstract reviews, policy issues, educational programs, etc. 2.Select your subcommittee position(s) in the PC organization (see charts that follow) 3.Identify any Liaisons - other organizations that you are involved with or want to coordinate with 14
15 Missing information is highlighted in yellow. Members present update their information. Others should send Marty their updates.
16 Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (1) PC Chairs Co-Chair - Jason Slagle Co-Chair - Valerie Lyons Vice Chair(s)? (Future Chair or Co-chairs?) – xxx, yyy Past Chairs - xxx Membership – Marty Bradley Recruiting – xxx International recruiting – Danielle Soban Upgrades - xxx Publication/Communications - xxx Year in Review Article – xxx, xxx Website – Nathan Hicks Other (newsletter?) - xxx Education – Essam Khalil Short Course – George Miley, Michael Houts (Nuclear), Webinar - Marty Bradley (SUGAR) Outreach (college, high school) – xxx Franz-Josef Kahlen AIAA Design Competition – Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban Keith Blodgett
17 Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (2) Conferences – Rich Wahls JPC12 – Rich Wahls ASM13 – Rich Wahls JPC13 – Dyna Benchergui Other 2013 conferences* SciTech14(ASM14) – Franz-Josef Kahlen P&E 14 – Ruben DelRosarrio SciTech15– xxx Nicole Mendoza TBD Note: All PC Members should also volunteer when sessions chairs and abstract reviewers are needed *IEEE EnergyTech 2013 in Cleveland (May 21-23). see Opportunity for AIAA GEPC to sponsor a session with presentations/papers on any energy-related topic Valerie Lyons, POC for Standards – xxx xxx Public Policy – Jason Slagle or xx Dan Jensen, Jeff Hamstra Awards – Sivaram Gogineni Best Paper Award – xxx Coordination with other awards (Propulsion, etc) - xxx
18 Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (3) Liaison – xxx Air Breathing Propulsion TC’s – Marty Bradley (HSABP), Ian Halliwell (GTE), Keith Blodgett (ABPSI), Steve Johnson (ABPSI) FAA CLEEN – Ruben DelRosarrio NASA ERA – Gaudy Bezos-O'Conner NASA SFW – Rich Wahls Aeroacoustics TC – xxx Atmospheric and Space Environments TC – xxx Aircraft Design TC – Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban, Dyna Benchergui Society & Aerospace Technology TC – xxx Propellants & Combustion TC – xxx Terrestrial Energy Systems TC – David Lilley Energy Optimized Aircraft and Equipment Systems PC – Ruben DelRosarrio Applied Aero TC – Rich Wahls EPT CoS – Electric Propulsion Testing Standards - Nathan Hicks ETC – Emerging Technologies Committee – Dan Jensen Navy - Dyna Benchergui DoE - Dyna Benchergui Adaptive Structures TC - Dyna Benchergui Propulsion for Future Flight TC – George Miley Asian Liaison – Kuni Kitagawa IEEE – Valerie Lyons IGTI – Ian Halliwell ARPA-E - Nicole Mendoza Texas A&M – Nicole Mendoza Other - xxx If you are also a member of another TC or organization, you should sign up to a liaison slot in addition to your regular subcommittee
19 Green Engineering PC– Member Positions (4) Technical Areas – all members choose Green Aviation or Green. Subcommittee leaders will develop sub-categories for technical expertise. Subcommittee Leaders will help define role for Technical Subcommittees. Green Aviation – Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor Ruben DelRosario Brien Seeley Green Energy – John Blanton Michael Houts
20 GEPC Subcommittee Reports
GEPC – Subcommittee Charts ASM 2013 Grapevine Texas 8 January 2013
Green Engineering Program Committee Publication / Communications xxx Awards Sivaram Gogineni Education Essam Khalil Membership Marty Bradley Service Subcommittee Representatives Technical Subcommittee Representatives Co-Chair Jason Slagle Vice Chair (Future Chair) xxx Past Co-Chairs xxx, yyy Conferences Rich Wahls Liaison xxx Co-Chair Valerie Lyons Green Aviation Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor Green Energy John Blanton Standards xxx Public Policy Jason Slagle
GEPC Leadership Team Members (Co-chairs and subcommittee leads) Responsibilities 2012 Activities ASM12 and JPC12 meetings Spring/Summer Telecon 2013 Plans Telecon in late Jan/early Feb + quarterly telecons Develop succession plan Develop 2013 Activity Plan to set priorities Set meeting schedule at JPC to reduce conflicts & to allow subcommittee work xxx 23
GEPC Communications Subcommittee Members (TBD Leader, Nathan Hicks) Responsibilities Meeting notes & distribution Website Aerospace America Year in Review article Newsletter? 2012 Activities JPC meeting notes (Marty Bradley) Website update (Nathan Hicks) 2013 Plans Get a leader Continue to improve and maintain website Write Year in Review article xxx 24
JPC 2012 Meeting Notes (1) 1.Meeting was held at 7 PM on Tuesday July 31st 2.Jason Slagle was called away on urgent business and was unable to attend 3.Ashwani Gupta (P&E Leader) attended and said that the PC was doing a “great job” and that “Jason had done a champion job”. Ashwani discussed the new event model for conferences and said the GEPC should define its conference affiliations. For now, all agreed we should continue to align with ASM (Jan) and JPC (mid-summer) and consider others, as the GEPC integrates across aviation and space as well. 4.Visitors from the AIAA Program Committee (Director and Assistant Director) also attended and expressed they were pleased with the GEPC’s progress 5.We did an “around the room” to allow everyone to introduce themselves. There were many new faces with 19 total attending. 1.There is a LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactor) session at ASM 2013 (cancelled) 2.Dan Jensen can liaison with the Emerging Technologies Committee 3.Valerie is supporting IEEE Energy Tech 2013 and 2014 in Cleveland and is encouraging attendance. In 2014, the conference will be co-located with the with the AIAA JPC/IECEC 6.Rich Wahls gave the conference report 1.ASM 2013 will have 4 special GEPC sponsored or co-sponsored session - JPC 2012 has 2 2.We will attend Jan R&T and summer JPC conferences and then look at how to cover the Aviation conference 25
JPC 2012 Meeting Notes (2) 7.Nathan Hicks will be the “Webmaster” for the GEPC Sharepoint site. He will put the roster on the sharepoint site. Marty or Valerie to check with Betty to make sure Nathan has proper edit privileges 8.Marty gave a membership report 1.Ruben Del Rosario will liaison with FAA CLEEN and the Energy Optimized Aircraft Systems TC 2.It was suggested that Publications/Communications have 2 leads or be split as it is a lot of work. We have to do the Sharepoint and also the year in review article which needs to be done near the end of the summer. 3.Essam Khalil is our Education Chair 4.It was suggested that Ian Halliwell could Liaison with IGTI 5.Dan Jensen is on the AIAA Public Policy committee and will work with Jason as liaison to GEPC 9.Marty gave a liaison report for items he did or knew about 1.Marty volunteered to investigate doing a “Webinar” 90 minute lecture on the “Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research (SUGAR) Phase I and Phase II Study Results”. Would be jointly sponsored by GEPC and the Gas Turbine Engine TC. 2. If a Webinar is conducted, $250 could be paid to the author. Other topics from the PC should be considered. 3.Marty has worked with the Aircraft Design TC to get a Green Aviation topic as the next student design competition (see chart). Rhett Jefferies from FAA is also sponsoring a similar design competition for a 50 passenger regional airliner. 10.A telecon will be set up for the next meeting 11.Meeting was completed about 8:30 PM 26
GEPC Standards Subcommittee Members (none) Responsibilities Working with other AIAA committees, develop AIAA standards 2012 Activities none 2013 Plans Get a leader xxx 27
GEPC Education Subcommittee Members (Essam Khalil, George Miley, Michael Houts, Franz-Josef Kahlen, Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban, Keith Blodgett) Responsibilities Short courses, webinars, outreach, design competitions 2012 Activities SUGAR Webinar (Marty Bradley) AIAA and FAA Design Competitions (Hybrid Electric Aircraft) (Marty Bradley et al.) 2013 Plans Organize Nuclear short course (George Miley, Michael Houts) GTE TC (Gas Turbine Engine) interested in a jointly sponsored Hybrid Electric Engine Design Competition (Ian Halliwell) xxx 28
GEPC Awards Subcommittee Members (Sivaram Gogineni) Responsibilities Best Paper Award Coordination with other awards 2012 Activities None 2013 Plans Establish Green Engineering Best Paper Award? (or Mini Award?) Nominate a Green Engineering candidate for an existing award xxx 29
GEPC Liaison Subcommittee Members (TBD leader, all GEPC members) Responsibilities Coordinate activities with other organizations 2012 Activities Established a list of liaison organizations GEPC intro article in Air Breathing Propulsion Newsletter (Marty Bradley) 2013 Plans Additional work to “get the word out” to other organizations Develop goals for 2013 xxx 30
31 Green Engineering PC – 2012 Liaison Report Air Breathing Propulsion TC’s – Marty Bradley, Ian Halliwell, xxx 1 page article: “Introduction to the Green Engineering PC” included in High Speed Airbreathing Propulsion newsletter – Marty Bradley Webinar Idea to co-sponsor with Gas Turbine Engine TC: “Green Aircraft: Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research, Phase 1 and Phase 2 Result Summary” – Marty Bradley GEPC recruiting possible with ABP TC Members Need to coordinate times for dinner meeting to avoid complete overlap (ABP Dinner meeting) GTE TC (Gas Turbine Engine) interested in discussing a jointly sponsored Hybrid Electric Engine Design Competition – Ian Halliwell Aircraft Design TC – Marty Bradley, Danielle Soban, Dyna Benchergui Student Design Competition: “Design of a 2030 Regional Airliner Considering Hybrid Electric Propulsion” – RFP developed for Aircraft Design TC – Marty Bradley FAA – Rhett Jefferies sponsored a separate design competition on hybrid electric aircraft
32 Green Engineering PC – Liaison Report Air Breathing Propulsion TC’s 1 page article: “Introduction to the Green Engineering PC” included in High Speed Airbreathing Propulsion newsletter – Marty Bradley
IEEE EnergyTech 2013 Jason and Marty, Attached is our “postcard” which advertises EnergyTech Folks can also look at for registration, uploading papers and other information. The paper submission deadline is now Feb. 1 (but we can work things out if someone needs a bit more time). for registration, uploading papers and other information. The paper submission deadline is now Feb. 1 (but we can work things out if someone needs a bit more time). The conference is May 21-23, 2013 in Cleveland, OH on the Case Western Reserve University campus and will have an industry showcase, as well as presentations and technical papers. We are especially happy to announce that we are being funded by the Army to invite some keynote speakers and to provide some sessions of particular interest to the Army on such things as safeguarding our national power grid and also for providing power to remote bases and making them less vulnerable to energy re-supply mission attacks. We will have these sessions on the first full day (May 22) of the conference. We also are offering Seminars on the afternoon of May 21 – we still are looking for folks to present these seminars if you have some ideas. They will be paid $750 if they get at least 10 people to sign up for their 1 ½- hour seminar and they also will be refunded the cost of the registration fee for the conference. We would really like to start advertising the seminars by early January – so if you can ask the folks at ASM to think up a title and a couple of sentences to advertise their seminar and send it to as soon as they possibly can, that would be as soon as they possibly can, that would be great! Let me know if you have any more questions – people can also reach me at if they need to – especially after Jan 3 when my NASA will be cut off. After that time, you all can reach me at if they need to – especially after Jan 3 when my NASA will be cut off. After that time, you all can reach me at also. Thanks for spreading the word about this meeting. We will all be working together on the 2014 IECEC/JPC (Propulsion and Energy Conference), so it’s good to begin a year early to start melding. Valerie 34
GEPC Policy Subcommittee Members (Jason Slagle, Dan Jensen, Jeff Hamstra) Responsibilities Working with other AIAA committees, develop AIAA policy related to Green Engineering 2012 Activities None 2013 Plans Develop goals for 2013 xxx 35
AIAA Public Policy Some of AIAA’s key public policy issues for 2013 include: Promoting and Incentivizing Public-Private Partnerships that Improve Technology Transition to End Users from the Nation’s Aerospace Research Laboratories Enabling Sustained Deep Space Exploration with a Broad Vision Completing Public/Private Human Earth-Orbit Access Programs in a Timely Manner And more... 36
GEPC Green Aviation Subcommittee Members (Gaudy Bezos-O'Connor, Ruben DelRosario) Responsibilities Provide technical oversight GEPC Conference Tracks –Leverage GEPC technical committees liaison efforts for relevant research topics –Leverage GEPC subcommittees efforts to grow/promote Green Aviation research topics Grow/engage Industry, Academia and Government (DoD, FAA) leaders to share Green Aviation technology development program progress and future needs Support abstract reviews for GEPC conference tracks 2012 Activities None 2013 Plans Develop goals for 2013 –Add GEPC Green Aviation Panel (Industry, Academia and Government) »Aviation Science and Technology Forum 2014 »Propulsion and Energy Forum 2014 –Evaluate/plan for one additional AIAA Conference to add GEPC tracks 37
GEPC Green Energy Subcommittee Members (John Blanton) Responsibilities Provide technical oversite, support abstract reviews and sessions, ???) 2012 Activities None 2013 Plans Develop goals for 2013 xxx 38
39 GEPC Conference Report
Green Engineering PC Conferences Subcommittee Report ASM 2013 Grapevine 8 January 2013 Rich Wahls Subcommittee Chair
Conference Subcommittee Dyna Benchergui Franz-Josef Kahlen Rich Wahls* ….hoping for additional members * Subcommittee Chair 41
Conference Subcommittee GEPC Conference Strategy Past Conferences Current Conference Future Conferences 42
GEPC Conference Strategy Green Engineering – spans scope of the TC’s Create a “Green Engineering” Track at conferences Target JPC and ASM (SciTech beginning in 2014) Add value, but minimize additional room space required Sponsor/create several technical paper/panel sessions appropriate to Green Engineering Avoid open “call for papers” and reviews … for now. Co-sponsor/leverage technical paper/panel sessions appropriate to Green Engineering created by TC’s 43
GEPC Conference History Summer Fluids 2011 Hawaii (Murray/Wahls working with other TC’s) 3 co-sponsored sessions with ASE/APA/FD/GEPC The Science Underpinning Aviation Impacts on the Environment (7 papers, attendance stats uncertain, but full room est in the range of 50-60) …. ASE-led Technology Addressing Aviation Impacts on the Environment (7 papers, attendance stats uncertain, but full room est in the range of 50-60) ….. ASE-led Aero Efficiency and Laminar Flow (5 papers + 1 oral only; avg attendance 75, max 82) …. APA-led JPC2011 San Diego (Slagle/Lyons) 3 GEPC session Alternative Fuels and Sustainable Energy Systems (attendance uncertain, but est 50-60) Green Energy Conversion Technologies Moving Forward with New Energy Policies ASM2012 Nashville (Wahls) 2 GEPC Sessions NASA Subsonic Fixed Wing: Fundamental Technical Challenges (7 oral only, avg attendance 125, max146, 90 person room!) NASA Environmentally Responsible Aviation; Technologies and Integrated Vehicle Solutions (4 oral only, 1 panel, avg attendance 185, max 192, 250 person room) All presentations posted at JPC2012 Atlanta (Wahls) 1 st time with an AIAA recognized GEPC Tech Chair to my knowledge 1 GEPC Session (co-sponsored by GTE) Alternative Aviation Fuel Experiments (AAFEX) I & II (4 oral only, attendance stats uncertain, but est 30) 44
GEPC Conference - Current ASM2013 – Grapevine (Wahls) 6 GEPC sessions 5 GEPC created; 16 papers (minus 1 withdrawn) + 5 oral only 1 co-sponsored with ABPSI Texas 4 (the largest room at the conference – 130) GEPC-01/02 Monday NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Program (oral only) Progress Towards N+3 Technologies in NASA’s Subsonic Fixed Wing Project (4 papers, 2 oral only) GEPC-03Monday Environmentally Responsible Aviation Overview (2 oral only) GEPC-04Tuesday Environmentally Responsible Aviation Progress I (6 papers) GEPC-05Tuesday Environmentally Responsible Aviation Progress I (5 papers) ABPSI-07/GEPC-06Thursday Propulsion Systems and Integration for Next Generation Vehicles IV (Invited): Innovations in Civil Aviation (3 papers, 3 oral only) 45
GEPC Conference Future JPC2013 San Jose, CA GEPC Tech Chair = Dyna Benchergui July 15-17San Jose Convention Center SciTech2014 National Harbor, MD GEPC TechChair = Franz-Josef Kahlen January 13-17Gaylord National JPC2014 Cleveland, OHGEPC TechChair = Ruben Del Rosarrio July 28-30Cleveland Medical Mart & Convention Center SciTech2015 Orlando, FL – Gaylord Palms JPC2015 SciTech2016 San Diego, CA – Manchester Grand Hyatt JPC2016 SciTech2017 Grapevine, TX – Gaylord Texan JPC2017 SciTech2018 Orlando, FL – Gaylord Palms JPC2018 “SciTech” = Aerospace Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (formerly “ASM”) 46
GEPC Additional Conference Opportunity IEEE EnergyTech 2013 in Cleveland (May 21-23) opportunity for AIAA GEPC membership to contribute papers/presentation/organize session(s) Valerie Lyons, GEPC poc for this event see 47
Around the Room New business items Next committee meetings: Jan 29th telecon April 9 th telecon JPC / IECEC face-to-face meeting Thanks for your participation!
Meeting Minutes GEPC ASM13 (page 1) 1.Ashwani Gupta – Introduction Was asking about number of papers for upcoming conferences Encouraged everyone to vote in AIAA election – is supporting Jeff Hamstra 2.Jeff Hamstra – made candidate statement 3.Sanjay Garg – made candidate statement 4.Mark Melanson & Peter Hartwich – Program Committee coordinators were in attendance and complimented the PC’s efforts 5.Jason Slagle – Presented GEPC overview slides 6.Brien Seeley – Guest speaker. Presented charts on new proposed Green Flight Challenge – Sky taxi’s and pocket airports. Encouraged everyone to a note of support 50
Brien Seeley’s Information Dear Marty, Jason and All: As we discussed after my presentation about the CAFE Green Flight Challenge Program CGFCP tonight at the GEPC dinner in Dallas, I send this followup information about who at the federal level, GEPC and AIAA members can contact to express their support for funding the CGFCP. For those unable to attend the dinner, the full AIAA paper on the CGFCP is available at: The hope here is for your support to authoritatively create the tipping point for extending NASA's support for the CGFCP to entrain broad support from DOE, EPA, DOD, NSF, DOT, etc., since its societal and environmental benefits encompass all of those. Simply put, if you each the following suggested message to the leaders whose addresses are below, I believe we can reach that tipping point. "Dear ____: Please join with NASA to fund the CAFE Green Flight Challenge Program (CGFCP) technology prize matrix as one of our nation's Grand Challenges. Its full description is found at: " " " Signed: YOUR NAME AND TITLE. Please Address to: brien S. John P. Holdren Raymond H. LaHood Subra Suresh Steven Chu Thank you again for supporting this important and exciting green initiative to create emission-free electric Sky Taxis that can restore travel speeds for cars, GA aircraft and airliners. Brien Seeley M.D. President, CAFE Foundation host of the Green Flight Challenge PS: The 7th Annual CAFE Electric Aircraft Symposium will be held April 26, 27, 2013 in Sonoma County, California. Info at: PS: The 7th Annual CAFE Electric Aircraft Symposium will be held April 26, 27, 2013 in Sonoma County, California. Info at: 51
Meeting Minutes GEPC ASM13 (page 2) 7.Marty Bradley – Quick Membership report briefing Looking to fill Communications Subcommittee leader and other positions If you want to be considered for vice-chair (chair-elect), send an to Jason Slagle Ruben DelRosario to do liaison with Energy Optimized Aircraft PC – hinted he might also volunteer for Liaison leader 8.Marty Bradley - Quick Subcommittee report briefing Included subcommittee description and status format slides Gaudy sent in slides for “Green Aviation” but did not have time to brief 9.Rich Wahls - -Presented Conference Subcommittee report Ruben DelRosarrio volunteered to be Tech Coordinator for P&E Forum 2014 in Cleveland Needs to coordinate with Dyna to resolve JPC13 room capacity problem 10.Jim Rankin – made candidate statement. Wants to us to liaison with Information Systems Group 11.Adjourned at 7:20 PM (started at 4:35 PM) 52
53 Appendix
54 What is Green Engineering? Biofuels Renewable Energy Energy Conversion Efficiency Airframe Efficiency AIAA Conferences & Literature Recycling Operations Climate Monitoring
55 Charter The purpose of the Green Engineering Program Committee (GEPC) is to promote a holistic, systems approach to improved energy efficiency, sustainability, renewable energy and ‘cradle-to- cradle’ design. GEPC serves as the AIAA focal point for all “green” aerospace-related programs and technologies, and works synergistically with the appropriate technical committees to assure that the AIAA membership is adequately informed about all aspects of this critical aerospace activity.
56 GEPC Website Calendar of events and all files are available on website
57 Example PC Member Expectations Stay in Communication: · Attend your appropriate subcommittee/working group meetings (reference matrix on roster workbook) · Notify PC and Subcommittee Chairs if you are unable to attend · Notify PC Secretary of changes in phone, , etc. Participate Actively: · In any combination of two subcommittees, conferences, or working groups · Be the major contributor/leader of at least one of these activities Provide Support As: · Conference Session Chair (Annually) · Reviewer for Outstanding Papers · PC Mentor · Contributor to PC Newsletter · Contributor to AA Highlights article When the Opportunity Arises: · Submit PC Member Nomination
58 Scope Serve as the focal point and interface between AIAA and the green technology community, including DOE, EPA, NOAA, and complementary professional societies. Characterize the critical challenges for green technologies as applied to aerospace systems. Identify rapidly advancing & emerging technologies that support improved energy efficiency and sustainability. Support AIAA public policy forums / initiatives and provide a liaison to the Public Policy Committee. Coordinate and focus green activities across the technical committees to develop / support conferences, workshops, position papers, panel sessions and technical sessions. Co-sponsor relevant conferences and events with other professional societies. Identify champions for new green initiatives within AIAA.
59 Objectives Help shape the vision, direction and policy for future energy and aviation systems. Promote sustainable and renewable aerospace-related energy systems. Advocate “cradle-to-cradle” design and system-level optimization of complex energy conversion systems. Provide a forum in which industry, government, and academia can discuss solutions & approaches in an informal, non-competitive environment. Promote and support conferences, workshops, sessions and technical publications in the area of aerospace-related green technology. Provide efficient and effective knowledge transfer to the AIAA membership. Ensure all relevant aspects of green technologies are represented in the technical committees and conferences.