INFLUENCE OF NUTRITION ON PLANT GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Plant growth & life cycle depend on availability of meristems, assimilate, hormone and other growth substances and supportive environment
Empirically : Plant growth = genotype x environment Agriculturally : Crop production aims to maximize growth rate & yield through both genetic & environment manipulation, eg. Plant breeding, microclimate altering through site selection, tillage, irrigation, drainage, pest control, fertilization, planting date etc.
Definition of growth & Development Growth= - cell division - cell enlargement (agric.)= dry matter accumulation Development differentiation
Growth is favored by water & N Differentiation is favored by 1. Excess of photosynthate over growth needs 2. Favorable temperature 3. Proper enzyme system
1. Mineral Nutrition & Cell Division (Mitosis, Meiosis) (Mitosis, Meiosis) Chromosome condense DNA synthesis, RNA, Protein Enzyme & nucleic acid metabolism Membrane breakdown and synthesis Cell wall synthesis More require & respiration Cytokinin & Auxin activities E
2. Mineral Nutrition & Cell Expansion Massive uptake of water Vacuole development and tonoplast Synthesis of new cell wall material (keep constant thickness : Pectin) Solute accumulation in cytoplasm & vacuole (membrane permeability : CHO, Protein, Lipid, RNA)
Synthesis of new cytoplasmic organells (eg. chloroplast, mitochondria) More enzyme activities (Pn & respiration) & metabolism Auxin & pectin methylesterase (too high Auxin limit expansion)
3. Mineral Nutrition & Cell Differentiation Cell Differentiation Callus culture Protoplast culture
Lacking exact information Multifactor control Sugar is necessary GA & enzyme GA modifies DNA - dependent RNA synthesis chemical change GA, Auxin affects membrane permeability & stability
Plant growth pattern : 1. Seed development, germination & dormancy 2. Growth and development of vegetative parts (root, shoot) 3. Flowering and fruiting
MINERAL NUTRITION & SEEDS 1. Seed Development Pollen nuclei + egg cellembryo (Zn) Sperm nuclei + polar nuclciendosperm (Zn) Microspore mother cell in anther Megaspore mother cell in embryo sac haploid cell Meiosis Pollen grainOvule (egg cell) Mitosis
Endosperm Cotyledon Perisperm Hilum, microplyle Testa : food, mineral, hormone reserve for germination
2. Seed Composition Controlled by genetics, environment irrigation, fertilizer, other cultural practices, stage of development
2.1 CHO starch (amylose, amylopectin) > 1,000 glucose amylase glucose, maltose Sucrose (transportation) Krebs cycle (energy) > viscous (wetting) gelatinous (cook) red blue Iodine test
Inulin (Fructosan) Pentosan (5 - C sugars) Hemicellulose, Pectin The End