How Computers Work
Objectives What Explain what a computer network is. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a network. Why To understand how computers work. How Active Participator
Levels Level 4 Be able to explain what a network is. Level 5 To be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of a computer network. Level 6 To be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of different network layouts.
What is a Computer Network? Two or more connected computers which share information.
A school network
An office network
A home network
How to make a network? Networking equipment
First you need two or more computers. When a computer is attached to a network it is called a “Workstation”
Network Interface Card
Each computer must have a network interface card
Network Cable
Now they can communicate
What if you have three or more computers? We use a switch or a hub to connect them together
Why do we use Computer Networks?
Task – Research and Assessment Task Your task is to create a Poster Select one of the networks three networks (Star, Bus and Ring) 1 piece of Network equipment and at least 3 Advantages and Disadvantages of Networking Create an A4 poster on your chosen network detailing the networks layout, advantages and disadvantages The best ones will go on the wall
Peer review – What level is your partner? Level 4 Be able to explain what a network is. Level 5 To be able to explain a couple of advantages and disadvantages of a computer network and be able to identify at least one network layout Level 6 To be able to explain a number of advantages and disadvantages to using networked computers and to be able to identify at least one network layout and explain its strength and weakness. Level 6-7 To be able to explain a number of advantages and disadvantages to using networked computers and to be able to identify at least two different network layouts and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.