Chinas recycle laws
What is china doing to help go green China plans to invest $221 billion over the next two years to build a clean energy economy—everything from wind and solar development to high-speed rail. That's almost double the current US investment of $112 in renewable energy.double the current US investment of $112 In 2005, China passed its Renewable Energy Law which requires that by 2020, 15% of its energy must come from renewable sources, such as wind, solar, and biomass (the U.S. has yet to establish a national renewable energy standard).Renewable Energy Law Although China is building coal-fired power plants a lot faster than the U.S., the New York Times reports that roughly 60% of its new plants use advanced technology that makes them more energy efficient and less polluting. China has also started to require power companies to retire one old polluting plant for every new efficient one they build.reports
China's new national plan on climate change offered few new targets on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but outlined how it intended to meet the goals it has already set, analysts say. This includes the use of more wind, nuclear and hydro power as well as making coal-fired plants more efficient, the document outlined.
The aim of the law is to boost sustainable development through energy saving and reduction of pollutant discharges. Crude oil refining, power generation, steel and iron production plants should stop using oil-guzzling fuel generators and boilers, in favor of clean energy, such as natural gas and alternative fuels.