The Fleet Engagement Strategy: Introduction of Organic MCM MGen Bill Whitlow
A Threat Across the Littorals Rising Influence Moored Contact Floating Contact Bottom Influence Buried/Partially Buried Anti-Invasion Moored Influence
3 MCM Plan: The Goal Speed up MCM Tactical Timelines Eliminate the Manned Ops in Minefields –MCM Plan Supports the Goal: Improve Dedicated Force Readiness & Capability Develop Future MCM Capability in the VSW and the Surf and Craft Landing Zones Field Organic MCM Capability in the Fleet Mainstream Mine Warfare
Command, Control, Communications, Computers Environmental Awareness Intelligence Surveillance Interdiction Self-Protection Exploration / Hunting Avoidance/Navigation Clearance ( Sweep/Neutralize ) Knowledge, Education, Training, Exercises, Research, Systems Design Organic MCM People, Funds, Facilities, Hardware, Data, Doctrine, Tactics, Techniques, Procedures
5 Fleet Engagement Strategy Industry & Technology Doctrine & Tactics Education & Training Public Affairs Chief of Naval Education and Training & Fleet CINCs President Naval War College & COMINEWARCOM Program Executive Office (MIW) & Office of Naval Research Chief of Information Education and Training IPT Tactics, Conops, & Doctrine IPTs Industry & Technology POA&M Media Plan N75: POM, Requirements (ORDs,CRD), CONOPS, Coordination
Mission Area Needs BLUE CVBG, SAG, ARG, MPF CATF/CLF Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, and Civilians Ashore Transit, Flt Ops, NGFS, Logistics, MPF, Logistics, JLOTS, NEO GREEN PURPLE Group Plans, ConOps, Oplans, Conplans Oplans, ConPlans Forces Supported Operations Supported Requirement Documents Routes, OpAreas, Shooter boxes, NGFS boxes Routes Amphib OpArea, FP/NGFS boxes Routes, SPODs, SPOEs, landings Battlespace Required Landings, NGFS, Follow-On Logistics HQ Plans, ConOps, Oplans, Conplans Fleet OpsAmphibious OpsLogistical Ops
Status: Capability Today Dedicated ForcesContingency Forces VSW Det (Divers, MMS, UUVs) VSW Det (Divers, MMS, UUVs) NSW MC 14 MCMs (4 FDNF) 12 MHCs (2 FDNF) 20 MH-53Es (4 FDNF) 15 EOD MCM Dets (4 FDNF) 1 MCS ( Hunt & Sweep ) 14 MCMs (4 FDNF) 12 MHCs (2 FDNF) 20 MH-53Es (4 FDNF) 15 EOD MCM Dets (4 FDNF) 1 MCS ( Hunt & Sweep ) Missions * * * * Joint Breachback
Dedicated : Capability & Capacity –Maintained in ready status, 72 hr call –Large area hunting & clearance –FDNF or flows as FDO/FEP or TPFDD Contingency : Special purpose force –Deploy by plan or on demand: Commander’s call –Supported by specialized personnel –Call down as FDO/FEP or flow as TPFDD Organic : Capability & Compatibility –See & Avoid w/ lightweight “punch through clearance” –Base in CVBG, flex to other platforms –Retain capability to base within the ARG long term Vision/Strategy: Force Concept
Organic Today Near Term Far Term Mine Warfare Continuum: grow core competency fleet-wide Dedicated Vision/Strategy: Force Plan Next Generation Systems Contingency
MCM Force Plan Organic MCM Dedicated MCM R&D/S&T Near TermMid TermFar Term0207 SMCM, AMCM, EOD DETs IOC 1 MTW 12 2 MTWs Contingency MCM Forces SMCM, UMCM, AMCM, Tactical Staffs EOD VSW Det, ABS, Naval Spec War, USMC Combat Engineers ONR CVBG Transition New SystemsN75 OMCM R & D
Dedicated MCM Plan Near TermMid TermFar Term SMCM SHIPS - 6 FDNF MCS (MCS 12 INCHON) MCS(X) AMCM (MH-53E) - 4 Acft FDNF 20 HELOs0 HELOs ?? HELOs FY00 Accomplishments uAwarded ICWS Block 1 Developmental Contract (Apr 00) u Procurement Planned to Begin FY05 u Conducted ICWS Design Review Dedicated Forces AMCM (CH-60) 15 EOD MCM DETs - 4 Dets FDNF
Next Generation / Organic Plan Near TermMid TermFar Term 0207 CVBG ARG (covered by CVBG) AMNS (MH-53) AQS-20 (MH-53) OASIS (CH-60) EDM OASIS (CH-60) RAMICS (CH-60) RMS EDM LMRS * CH-60 Kits (AMCM) ALMDS (CH-60) EDM ALMDS (CH-60) AQS-20/X (CH-60) AMNS (CH-60) IKE BG IDTC…Deploy Oct05 CVBG ARG Next Generation Systems Enable Organic MCM & Improve Dedicated MCM FY00 Accomplishments CH-60 Tow Tests Completed CSTARS Demonstrated ALMDS EMD Contract award 12 AQS-20 OP Assessment Complete AMNS EDM Delivered For Test RAMICS AOA Completed 1 MTW Training unit (planned) 2 MTWs RMS AQS-20/X Signature Control AMNS LMRS H-60 RAMICS ALMDS OASIS OMCM warfighting kit * Contingency System
Improved & New Capabilities Moored Contact Mine Moored Influence Mine Buried Bottom Mine Bottom Influence Mine Close-Close Tethered Influence Mine Close Tethered Influence Mine 30 ft Hunt Kill ALMDS CH-60S RAMICS CH-60S Hunt Kill AQS-20X with CH-60S RMS MH-53E* AMNS with CH-60S MH-53E** Sweep OASIS with CH-60S 30 ft 30 ft Fleet Compatible
FY04FY05FY06FY07FY08FY09 CVBGs (10 CVWs) IOC 05 = FRS OMCM = FY05 CVW OMCM (2 AMCM kits per CVW) FDNF 1st MTW 1st MTW = + + 2nd MTW = + 2nd MTW OMCM Fielding Plan Deploy Basic Trng Int/Adv Trng IDTC = DDG w/ RMS