VirtuLab: Web Based Flow Visualization Facility Final Presentation Team 6 Members: Justin Scott Karen Davis Sydni Credle Mentor/Client: Professor: Dr. Shih Dr.Luongo April 12, 2001
Overview Objective/Client Statement Background Information WBS and Scheduling Camera Mount Design LabVIEW 6.i Contingency Plan Live Video Configuration VirtuLab Demonstration Conclusion Acknowledgements
Objectives/Client Statement Design and build a towing tank facility and the associated imaging process. Provide visualization enhanced information to supplement the teaching of fluid mechanics. Create computer interfaced instrument control for remote operation via the Internet.
Background Information A “fluid” is a substance that readily flows under applied shear (gases, liquids i.e. water, alcohol, gasoline). Fluids can’t be detected by the human eye, therefore, the concepts behind fluid mechanics prove to be very difficult to learn. Use of flow visualization to take out the guess work from the phenomena.
Introduction Learning/teaching Thermal Fluids is complex. Distance learning purposes Pre-lab student aid Master each component separately Move at own pace
Goals for the Spring Semester Web Page Design Incorporate LabVIEW programming into design Embed live video streaming Background and procedure for experiment Upload class deliverables for public use
Spring Semester Goals (continued) LabVIEW Acquire LabVIEW version 6.i Train team members to use 6.i Final experiment interface design (educational module) Consolidate motor controller functions into one program Control via the Internet
Spring Semester Goals (continued) Existing Experiment Set-up Preliminary test of system Performance Analysis Design Modifications Calibration Final Testing
Work Breakdown Structure Project Management Activities Refinement of Client Statement Web Camera Imaging Camera Mount LabVIEW - Motor Controller Simulation/Testing Web Page Publishing
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (WBFVF) Web-Based Flow Visualization Facility
Project Schedule
Camera Mount Design Needs Easily manufactured Cost efficient Lightweight Easily used
Camera Mount Design Needs (Continued) Capable of supporting camera Appearance uniform with existing equipment Locking mechanism Long lasting
Existing Camera Mount Camera Mount LocationAdjustable Pole
Detailed Designs: 1 st Plate and Slider
Detailed Designs: 2 nd Plate and Slider
Camera Mount (continued)
Finished Camera Mount Machined and Assembled by Will Kincannon and Kevin Pittman
Camera Mount: View #2
Schematic diagram illustrating basic setup of web-based flow visualization system.
System Set-up Remote Users Physical Laboratory (motor controller) LabVIEW Interface
System Configuration Motor Controller Camera mount location Towing Tank Motor Web Cam Location
What is LabVIEW? Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench Automation and Control of Equipment “G-programming” Creation of programs using graphics Pictorial Block Diagrams instead of long lines of syntax Straightforward data flow methodology
LabVIEW 6.i Basics
LabVIEW Diagram Local Variable Global Variable
Local and Global Variables Local variables pass information between applications within the same VI that cannot be wired. Global variables are similar to local variables, except that information can be passed among several VIs.
Figure (left), shows the VI that contains all of the Booleans and radio buttons that were used in all of the programs. Location of All Global Variables
LabVIEW Diagram with CGI Scripts
LabVIEW Diagram (continued) This CGI contains the environment and the content from the client. Sends the response back to the client to the specified web browser. Frees the resources associated with this specific subVI
LabVIEW Troubleshooting Published front panel would not appear from web browser. LabVIEW program must be open HTTP server must be running
LabVIEW Troubleshooting LabVIEW programs would not run consistently Consolidated all of the global variables into one VI (virtual instruments) Tried different wiring configuration Changed global variables from read to write Made Booleans and globals constants
LabVIEW Troubleshooting (cont’d) Testing the VIs with radio buttons in on and off within the specific VI and in Attempted to consolidate the functions within a VI into various subVIs (sub program) Tried to use the subVI’s contents instead of the actual subVI
LabVIEW Troubleshooting (cont’d) Used different formatting within the command string to the motor controller (i.e. commas, slashes, clears, as well as returns)
Major Road Blocks Consistency Problems Heavy Usage Equipment Access Surpassing Technical Support Knowledge Cutting Edge Application of LabVIEW Technology As complexity increased, the amount of viable help decreased
Contingency Plan for the Future Allocate one PC machine as dedicated workstation Create a “controlled” environment Implement Security System
Computer Related Aspects Remote instrument control via the Internet using LabVIEW programming Video studio design for the lab imaging Real time video and data streaming via the Internet
Live Video Enables students participating in the lab to view the flow visualization experiment The students have video control in real time
Steps Taken Creation of initial web page Embedding live video window and controls Setting up web cam Installing and configuring RealProducer Basic on experiment computer Setting up link to RealServer on COE server
Creation of Initial Web Page
Embedding Live Video Window and Controls
VirtuLab Demonstration
Conclusion Fulfilled all main objectives stated at the onset The interactive portion of the experiment via the web has been developed and is ready for use Applied principles from the Mechanical Design Process
Conclusion (continued) Success even through many road blocks and many barriers. Great team dynamic. Acquired skills that can be used in future endeavors.
Acknowledgements Dr. Shih Dr. Luongo Bill Kinkannon, Kevin Pittman and Crew LabVIEW Technical Support Jason Hobbs COE WebMasters Drew Kokur Dr. Van Dommelon