Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create a Greener Energy Future The Green Communities Division – Partnering with Massachusetts Cities and Towns Mark.


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Presentation transcript:

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create a Greener Energy Future The Green Communities Division – Partnering with Massachusetts Cities and Towns Mark Sylvia, Director Green Communities Division COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS Deval L. Patrick, Governor Timothy P. Murray, Lt. Governor Ian A. Bowles, Secretary Phil Giudice, Commissioner Lenox Unplugged Energy Fair and Forum June 24, 2010 Lenox Town Hall

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future Massachusetts Cleaner energy is an important part of our future -Key priorities of the Patrick Administration ● Green Communities Act ● Global Warming Solutions Act ● Green Jobs Act -Landmark Green Communities Act in 2008 provides a strong foundation -Important progress is underway focusing on energy efficiency, investment in renewables and creation of the green communities program 2

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future Serving as the hub to all Massachusetts cities and towns on all matters related to energy 3 Green Communities Division

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future GOING GREEN, WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Cities, towns and other local governmental bodies can do a number of things to reduce their energy costs including: – Establish an Energy Committee / Designate Energy Officer – Establish an energy baseline: understand your energy use – Energy Audits: identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption – Implement measures: Through town investments, utility rebates and incentives, grant programs and performance contracting – Change behaviors: Through energy conservation policies – Explore renewable energy opportunities 4

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future 5 Green Communities Division DOER Programs/Support for Municipalities – Green Communities Grant, Loan and Technical Assistance Program – MassEnergyInsight – Energy Audit Program (EAP) / 3 Year EE Plans – Energy Performance Contracting Technical Assistance – ARRA Stimulus support – Regional Coordinators

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future GREEN COMMUNITIES GRANT PROGRAM 6 Approximately $8,100,000 available in grants for FY 2010 to qualifying communities: Grants will fund significant energy efficiency initiatives, renewable energy, innovative projects Thirty five communities from throughout the state were designated Green Communities by Governor Patrick in May One hundred and five communities are receiving planning assistance to become Green Communities

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future DESIGNATED GREEN COMMUNITIES

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future Communities ranged in population from Becket (1,800) to Worcester (182,000) Ten communities enacted as of right zoning for renewable generation – Nine provide for ground mounted pv of 250kw – Wenham and Kingston provide for wind of 600kw Thirty of the thirty five designees received planning assistance All thirty five communities met the five criteria (for criterion 5 all thirty five adopted the stretch code) Due to number of designated communities and the amount of available funding, grants will be allocated by formula – ranging from $135,000 to $988,000 GREEN COMMUNITIES BREAKDOWN

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future LENOX BECOMES A GREEN COMMUNITY! Lenox received planning assistance from BRPC Lenox met all five of the criteria – designated 5/25/10 – As of Right Zoning for RE/AE R&D – Local expedited permitting process – Energy Use Baseline of 32,049 MMBTUs (FY 09) with reduction plan to reduce the baseline by 20% over five years – Adopted a Fuel Efficient Vehicle Policy – Adopted the Stretch Energy Code on May 6, 2010 Lenox is eligible to receive approximately $134,766 and has filed a grant application for these funds. 9

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future LENOX BECOMES A GREEN COMMUNITY Lenox received an Energy Audit from DOER and is implementing identified measures through a Green Communities grant of $94,100 Lenox is an authorized user of MassEnergyInsight Formed the Lenox Environmental Committee – Launched Lenox Unplugged – Launched anti-idle program – Launched voluntary green building program Committed to a 80% fossil fuel reduction by 2050 Exploring renewable energy projects 10

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future 11 MassEnergyInsight is available free of charge to all 351 cities and towns. This tool provides access to comprehensive up-to-date energy usage and cost information. 125 cities and towns are currently using the tool. Among the uses are: (1)Benchmarking consumption and identify priority targets (2)Measure results (3)Develop and monitor emissions inventory and track and report emissions reductions. Standard Features include: Electronic download of utility data Standard and custom reporting Integration of utility billing/usage data with building and energy end-use information

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future 12 Municipal Energy Efficiency A major focus of the Green Communities Division is to collaborate with municipalities by coordinating energy assessments with utilities, identifying energy efficiency resources and opportunities and evaluating the benefits of implemented energy conservation measures. Three Year Energy Efficiency Plans Investor owned electric and gas utilities are required to provide all available energy efficiency and demand reduction resources that cost less than new energy supply Utilities will provide more robust rebates, incentives and programs to meet their goals. Plans – IOUs to invest $2.2 billion in EE measures over 3 yrs Contact Aimee Powelka at or ENERGY AUDIT PROGRAM / MUNICIPAL ENERGY EFFICIENCY

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future 13 ENERGY AUDIT PROGRAM

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future Provide a guide, model RFR/RFQ and model contract documents Review bid documents Educate and guide communities through the process - Approximately 25 municipal performance contracts - Approximately 13 municipalities in process Contact: Eileen McHugh, Energy Performance Contracting Technical Assistance – MGL c25A sections 11C and 11i

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future Federal Funding Opportunities ARRA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants (EECBG) Municipalities > 35,000 (direct grants from US DOE) $27,000,000 / 43 communities to receive grant funds Municipalities < 35,000 (competitive grants through DOER) $ 14,752,000 awarded to MA 97 communities receiving $12,200,000 in grants and 35 communities will share $825,000 in technical consulting State Revolving Fund – Install 4.1 megawatts (MW) of solar energy at 12 public water and wastewater treatment facilities worth $20,000,000 Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds PON-ENE – Bond allocation available for large local governments with a population of 100,000 or greater. Five cities and five counties are eligible. Applications on a rolling basis – Any municipality within an abolished county with a population of 100,000 greater may apply for allocation no later than July 9,

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future OUTREACH - REGIONAL COORDINATORS 16 updates via listserv (~1000 subscribers) Regional Coordinators act as direct liaisons with cities and towns on energy efficiency and renewable energy activities Located at each of the DEP Regional Offices : – SERO – LAKEVILLE: Seth Pickering – NERO – WILMINGTON: Joanne Bissetta: – CERO – WORCESTER: Kelly Brown – WERO – SPRINGFIELD: Jim Barry

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future New for 2010 Green Communities Grant Program Roll Out MassEnergyInsight Roll Out Development of Energy Procurement Guidance Revisions to 25A 11C, 11I regulations Newsletter and case studies Online library Statewide energy programs Fact Sheets (renewables, etc.) Partnerships 17

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future Green Communities Contacts Mark Sylvia – Director (617) Meg Lusardi – Deputy Director (617) Website: 18

Helping Massachusetts Municipalities Create A Greener Energy Future Other Resources Department of Energy Resources: – Energy Efficiency Division – Renewables Division – Energy Markets Division – Green Communities Division Three Year Efficiency Plans: Clean Energy Center: – Investments in Clean Technology – Workforce Development – Renewable Energy – Clean Energy Sector Development 19