Report on the Commissioning Task Force activity Global and sub-detector views on ECS Histogram handling : – histogram handling and PVSS – the ALEPH and DELPHI experiences (Cattaneo & Charpentier) Databases Documents written by the CTF – LHCb Running Scenario – First thoughts on Online Monitoring – File-handling in the LHCb Online system – The LHCb Control Room
Global view on ECS (C.Gaspar) Sub-detectors need to make an inventory of all components, using PVSS : to design their own panels to implement specific devices (like FE boards), which have to be modeled in PVSS according to guidelines (ex. registers have to correspond to datapoints) in order to : Provide access to the Configuration DB –Select a device/group of devices and say: Save as “Physics” recipe. Be able to archive the data Be able to send the data to the Conditions DB Generate alarms, etc. Clara et al. will provide a tool for modeling boards and their components (SPECS/CC-PC) The Muon System ECS was presented by Burkhard, using Valerio’s slides.
Histogram handling (1) : histos and PVSS (C.Gaspar) Checking that the experiment is running well (Data are flowing in a correct environment) –Acquiring voltages, temperatures, etc. (from DCS equipment) –Acquiring counters, errors, etc. –From FE Elect., TELL1s, network, Gaudi Jobs in the farm ➨ PVSS is perfect : –For Archiving & Presenting (plotting quantities over time, also histograms) Checking the Quality of the Data –Acquiring Histograms from the Jobs in the farms (HLT farm and Monitoring farm) –Combining/adding histos from several jobs/nodes –Resetting histos –Storing (and cataloging?) –Selection & Presentation Allow the definition of pages of histos, etc Show histos in Online / Offline mode ➨ PVSS not adequate ➨ Need a Quality Checking Framework –Architecture ? –Based on Root ? –Interfaced to PVSS ?
Histogram handling (2): ALEPH and DELPHI experiences M.Cattaneo and P.Charpentier presented the ALEPH & DELPHI histo handling. I report a summary of Cattaneo’s talk : Monitoring tasks - histogram booking (according to Histogram DB) - periodical reset according to intervals defined in HDB - archiving (before reset, analysis task notified after every save) - error reporting Analysis tasks -analysis methods : peak/hole finding, comparison with reference, etc -error reporting : message to error logger, associated help, possibility of masking known errors, etc… Histogram presenter -3 modes: online, history (run,fill,time window), file (1 specific file) -time charts : from last time bins (online) to days/weeks/months (history)
Databases Configuration DB, Conditions DB and PVSS archive (C.Gaspar) Detector databases (E. Van Herwijnen) Run DB, histogram DB and other DBs (O.Callot) Experimental Equipment PVSS. Cond.. DB Conf. DB to Offline PVSS Arch. Configuration settings for a running mode Monitoring data (at regular intervals) if Archive On if Passes Conditions filter if Needed for next run settings (Pedestal Followers) Online Databases
Online Database contents (C.Gaspar) Configuration DB contains: –All data needed to configure the HW (or SW) for the various running modes Ex.: HV V0 Settings, Pedestal settings, trigger settings, etc. PVSS Archive contains: –All monitoring data read from HW for monitoring and debugging of the Online System Ex.: HV Vmon Readings, temperatures, pedestal readings, etc. Conditions DB contains: –A subset of the monitoring data read from HW if it is needed for event processing (prob. packaged differently) –Ex.: HV Vmon Readings if changed by more than n Volts Some configuration data once it has been used –Ex.: Trigger settings used by a particular run
Detector Database (E. Van Herwijnen) Eric presented the CALO-PMT database (O.Gushchin) developed with Oracle. Module level : type, ID, (x,y), ref. to LED table, ref. to cosmics test results Channel level : reference to PM, Connection to FE Usage (read only) : –allows to calculate HV settings (from gain) for ECS –allows to identify which LED illuminates which PMT Tools : Java tools exist to insert/extract data Online group can maintain PMT database in online Oracle service –Backups, provide access and storage space To be decided : how to extract data from PMT db for use by PVSS and the configuration databases This is a one shot extraction –PVSS config dbs are for real time consultation –PMT db will be consulted when HW is modified (a tube is replaced)
Chamber & Electronics DBs It is clear that the ConfDB will contain only the parameters needed to configure the Muon System. Other parameters (for ex. the history of each device before installation) have to be stored in private DBs. However, we do not have a common DB for all prod. sites : they should be integrated, together with the information for the FEBs. These DBs should be of help during dressing and installation phases and should contain : - history of each device (ex. all tests of chambers and FEB); - links between devices : for ex. between chambers and FE boards. It should be accessible via a web interface. Probably we can use the CALO-DB as a starting point. I asked to Thomas Johansen (who is working on the ConfDB) to contribute to this project, at least in the starting phase.
Other DBs (O.Callot) RUN DB : data files Parameters per run: configuration, partition, streams, statistics: luminosity, dead time, efficiencies Parameters per stream : selection, statistics Parameters per file : size, #events, processing history (open, closed, sent to castor, available for delete, deleted, etc…) HISTOGRAM DB : Nothing exists up to now; should start in the online project; then SDs involved
Documents written by the CTF The CTF has released 4 documents, that are accessible from the web page which represent our current views on some aspects of the operation of the detector, and should help to have a common understanding inside the collaboration on how LHCb will run. These have been sent for approval to the TB members. You are invited to read them and comments are more than welcome. Updated versions may be released later if needed. 1. LHCb Running Scenario 2. First thoughts on Online Monitoring 3. File-handling in the LHCb Online system 4. The LHCb Control Room Acknowledgements to Bepo, Roberta, Alessia and Burkhard for the Section on the Online Monitoring of the Muon System.
Spare transparencies
Examples of Chamber data for the Chamber DB (1) IdentifiersProductionChamber position at present date Barcode IdentifierString IdentifierQualityProductionAssemblylocationstatusposition labelsitedate 4UALNF M3R3_LNF_41goodLNF under conditioning M5R4_LNF_22reserveFEPit installed + partially cabledQ1M5R4_01_03 M5R4_FI_22badFIBld.156under gas flow M4R4_PNPI_180PNPIPitinstalled + fully cabled CERNtraveling to CERN
Examples of Chamber data for the Chamber DB (2) GAS TESTHV TESTUNIFORMITY TEST WHENWHEREdateleak rate dark Iat HV class shift in HV with respect to average mbar/hrflagnA/chkVflagABCDABCD before dressingat prod.site0.1OK202.75OKAA before installationat prod.site7BAD BADAB before installationat CERNBA before installationat pitBB after installationon the wallCA Link to the FE-boards mounted on the chamber
Examples of FEB data for the FEB-DB (1) Identifiers of the boardID of the channelfor 4 different values of Cdet Time Barcode IdentifierString IdentifierChannelOffset (V)Cdet (pF)SensitivityNoisewalkCurrent mV/fCfC?? 4UE ? Link to the chamber on which the FEB is mounted
Chamber ABCD Gas pipes : the chamber is a single device (like a box) AB CD ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ FE board Physical channels: each sub-detector (AB) + (CD) has a different link number PCHs HV channels : each gap has a different link number A B C D IN OUT MWPC configuration depending on link type (ConfDB)