Welcome to Rankin Elementary -- 4 th Grade Mrs. Vicari Room 30
Everyday Math Parent letters go home before each unit with helpful tips and answers to some of the problems. Please save these for the entire unit. Students may also bring home their Student Reference Book, which has definitions and examples. Homework will be assigned on Thursday (due Monday) AND when daily work is not finished in class. Students are expected to know their multiplication facts. Please review these and practice them with your child. Flash cards and can help, as well. Help on the Web:
Social Studies Units of Study* Foundations in Social Studies United States in Spatial Terms Human Geography in the United States Exploring Economics Our Federal Government Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship *Michigan Citizenship Collaborative Curriculum (MC3)
Word Study & Spelling Lists (sorts) to study go home in the Thursday Folder. They are also available on my webpage. The test over some of these words will be on the following Thursday. For each unit, some words from previous lists may also appear on the weekly test. Each week, students will write sentences AT HOME (one sentence per word) to show that they understand the meaning. These are due on Tuesdays. Grades are also based on students’ spelling in written work and on their word study participation in class.
Units of Study Heat, Electricity & Magnetism Properties & Changes of Matter Sun, Moon & Earth Relationships & Requirements of Living Things Science
Reader’s & Writer’s Workshop Students are introduced to a variety of strategies and genres in both reading and writing. They have the opportunity to develop their skills through whole group, small group and individualized instruction and practice. Mini-lessons revolve around read-aloud mentor texts. Students conference with their peers and their teacher and set goals to show improvement throughout the year.
Accelerated Reader Students are to earn a MINIMUM of 3 A.R. (Accelerated Reader) points per month, depending on students’ individualized goals. Students must pass tests IN CLASS on books within their reading level to earn points. Please be sure that your child is reading at an appropriate level for at least 20 minutes per night at home. Students are expected to read approximately 2 – 4 chapter books per month, depending on the length.
Book Reports Book reports may be assigned (1 per marking period). Book reports are to be completed AT HOME, and turned in by the due date. All reports are explained before they are sent home, and books must be approved by the teacher. Reports are to be in complete sentences, written neatly, and with thoughtful responses. Include a lot of detail, especially for the plot (10 – 15 sentences that describe the main events of the story) & attach extra paper. Use creativity and originality. Reports may require an oral presentation.
Progress Reports Progress reports go home each Thursday. If you do not receive one, please call me! This will list your child’s current grades and any missing work. Please sign the sheet, return it in the Thursday Folder on Friday morning, and help your child complete and return any missing work by Monday. If you would like to keep the progress report as a reference, please just send a note in the Thursday Folder stating that you have reviewed the progress report. Many assignments may be corrected or redone to earn a better grade. Any unfinished class work becomes homework for that evening.
For Your Information School newsletters come home every other Friday. Tests: Students receive review sheets for their tests. If your child does not earn 60% or better on a test, he or she will be asked to make the corrections or demonstrate understanding and return with a parent signature to improve the test grade. Please visit the Carman-Ainsworth website: Select Rankin, then Teachers, then Megan Vicari. My website has valuable information. This includes spelling lists and assignments for your convenience in case of a forgotten or lost paper. You will also find links to educational sites and resources used in class. is the direct link to my homepage. Put it in your favorites.
Thanks for your time and support. Please send an to me when you get home (if you have not already) so I can add you to my contact list. If you would like to be contacted via text messaging, please include your cell number. I’m looking forward to a great year! Please contact me at or call me at (810) (The best time to reach me is from 1:14 – 2:08 when your child is at specials.) Megan Vicari