Preeti Ranjan Panda, Anant Vishnoi, and M. Balakrishnan Proceedings of the IEEE 18th VLSI System on Chip Conference (VLSI-SoC 2010) Sept Presenter: Chun-Hung Lai 2016/5/31
During post-silicon validation/debug of processors, it is common to alternate between two phases: processor execution and state dump. The state dump, where the entire processor state is dumped off-chip to a logic analyzer for further processing, is a major bottleneck. We present a technique for improving debug efficiency by reducing the volume of cache data dumped off- chip, while still capturing the complete state. The reduction is achieved by introducing hardware mechanisms to transmit only the portion of the cache that was updated since the last dump. We propose two design alternatives based on whether or not the processor is permitted to continue execution during the dump: Blocking Incremental Cache Dumping (BICD) and Non-blocking Increment Cache Dumping (NICD). We observe a 64% reduction in overall cache lines dumped and the dump time reduces to an average of 16.8% and % for BICD and NICD respectively. Abstract - 2 -
The state dump is a major bottleneck during post- silicon debug of processors Dump processor state to off-chip 。 Last level cache forms the majority of the processor state To improve debug efficiency Reduce the volume of cache data dumped 。 While still capture the complete state What’s the Problem Large amount cache Large cache dump size Huge dump duration
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Goal: reduce total amount of cache data to be transferred off-chip Dump only the cache lines that are updated since last dump Use an Update History Table (UHT) to track all cache updates between two consecutive dumps Incremental Cache Dumping Time Dump all Dump updated only μp execution -> $ update
Blocking Incremental Cache Dumping (BICD) Processor is halted during the cache dump Dump lines whose UHT entry is set Cost-dump time trade-offs Each UHT bit represents more than one $ line 。 May lead to extra dump Two Methodologies for Incremental Cache Dumping – 1 st BICD Blocking Incremental Cache Dumping (BICD) Reduce 56%dump size Don’t update but dump
Non-Blocking Incremental Cache Dumping (NICD) Cache dump is performed simultaneously with μp execution Two challenges with NICD (1) Cache state is corrupted by the executing processor 。 Reset the corresponding UHT entry after dumping Two Methodologies for Incremental Cache Dumping – 2 nd NICD Solution: dump a cache line before the cache attempts to update it UHT Updated Being dumped Dump Non-Dumped
Two challenges with NICD (2) Maintenance of the Update History Table (UHT) 。 UHT get incorrectly updated with the “cache dump” and the “executing μp“ UHT-P(previous): cache updates since the last dump (indicate dump) UHT-C(current): cache updates during dump interval (Swap their roles at the start of the next dump) Two Methodologies for Incremental Cache Dumping – 2 nd NICD (Cont.) UHT Updated Non- dumped UHT Updated UHT Updated Dump before update Update but don’t affect current dump Time: TTime: T+1Time: T+2 Solution: use two UHTs
Illustration of Non-Blocking Incremental Cache Dumping (NICD) Indicate lines to be dumped Dump then reset UHT entry 1.Dump F then reset UHT-P entry 2.Update F then set UHT-C entry 1.Dump F then reset UHT-P entry 2.Update F then set UHT-C entry Update line F during dump line B
Illustration of Non-Blocking Incremental Cache Dumping (NICD) Dump only ‘0’ for F since has been dumped due to update 1 Update line C but don’t affect current dump 2 UHT-P= ‘0’ -> not dump Update line H but don’t affect current dump 3 UHT-P= ‘0’ -> not dump Ready for next dump For next dump: - UHT-P: capture further updates - UHT-C: indicate lines to be dumped For next dump: - UHT-P: capture further updates - UHT-C: indicate lines to be dumped
Hardware Implementation – NICD Arch Counter: dump line’s index W_sel Mask: addr. of updated window Mask: addr. of updated window Export from $: - W_sel: Updated way - Write: $ update - Dump: ready for dump UHTs: track $ updates Use for update Use for dump
Hardware Implementation- Operation Flow W_sel 1 Dump_S: start dump 2 Sense Valid & Dump -> data lines to buffer Dump line Valid from UHT 3 Cache updates (Write): - If the UHT entry = ‘1’ then dump in advance Cache updates (Write): - If the UHT entry = ‘1’ then dump in advance
For CHESS Lines dumped increases with “window size” and “dump interval” For HMMER Difference is minimal with respect to window size Experimental Results- Lines Dumped at Various Dump Intervals / Window Sizes For window size 1: only 36% of total lines is dumped in average Increase with the dump interval
Cache updates during the dumping of a window -> stall For CHESS Average % stall overhead for window size 2 For HMMER Average % stall overhead for window size 2 。 Memory requests are spread over time with infrequent updates Experimental Results- Processor Stalls with NICD Stalls increase with window size
Total dump time overhead Processor stall overhead + dumping overhead (bus busy during dump) For CHESS % dump time for all dump intervals (window size 1) 。 As a percentage of the original dump time For HMMER % ~ 0.003% dump time for all dump intervals (window size 1) Experimental Results – Dump Time Overhead for NICD Overall dump time follows the trends of processor stalls (increase with window size)
Additional area / timing overhead For BICD 。 Require a UHT (vary window size between 1 and 16) Area: 0.24 ~ 0.03 Timing: no overhead (UHT access time is smaller than cache access time) For NICD 。 Dump logic Area: twice of BICD (no extra timing overhead) 。 Cache modification for online dumping Area difference is mm 2 (no extra timing overhead) Experimental Results – Area / Access Time Original Cache Controller BICDNICD Area (mm 2 )38.9+ ( 0.24~0.03)+ (0.48~0.06) + (0.0002) Timing (ns)2.63+ (0) Dump logic $ modification nm synthesis technology Require 2 UHTs
This paper proposed an incremental cache dumping Goal: reduce transfer time and logic analyzer space requirement 。 Two hardware mechanisms Blocking Incremental Cache Dumping (BICD) Non-blocking Incremental Cache Dumping (NICD) The results show that Incremental dumping reduces the lines dumped by 64% BICD: reduce dump time to 16.2% of the original dump time NICD: reduce dump time to % of the original dump time Conclusions
Good points Let me understand how to use cache dumping for debug 。 Signature based debugging approach Map a sequence of events into a cache state dump Factors for dump time overhead Things can be improved Why “dump line’s index” doesn’t import to the UHT From the architecture, it seems to use single-port SRAM 。 How to achieve “cache line dump” and “normal cache access” simultaneously Environment for transferring from dump logic to logic analyzer is not clear Comments for This Paper