Unit 4
abscond absent – to run off and hide Or When you run (off and hide), you will develop strong abs.
access The television show “Access Hollywood” – reporters are able to “get at” celebrities. Or The reporters have admittance (access) to Hollywood parties and other celebrity events.
anarchy For most people there was confusion when the floods came--Noah’s “Ark” Or monarchy (one ruler) vs. anarchy (no ruler— lack of government)
arduous harduous = difficult or hard to do
auspicious Looking at a baby picture: “Ah! Look at that pleasant (favorable) moment!”
daunt daunted by the haunted house to overcome with fear; A bully can be daunting=intimidating. or daunt – dishearten - discourage
disentangle Un-tangle – to free from tangles or complications
fated fate- determined by fate (destiny) or fate fortune future
hoodwink hood – wink to mislead by a trick, deceive Put on your hood so no one can see you (deceive), then wink so they know it’s a trick. “Hoodwinked” - film
inanimate animation – gives life to an inanimate object—otherwise lifeless drawings (animals are NOT inanimate) “Beauty and the Beast” – clock, teapot, cup (Chip), candle are inanimate objects– through animation are given life.
incinerate sin = hell = fire= ashes (to burn to ashes)
intrepid the intrepid (fearless) trapeze artist
larceny grand larceny (theft) vs. pilfer
pliant ply-wood = bending readily compliant – to cooperate – be flexible peer pressure = easily influenced
pompous pumped-up about yourself “full of yourself” pompous = overly self-important
precipice precise edge steep cliff (or line) – edge of disaster
prototype An original model on which later versions are patterned The original model of the iPad is patterned after the first prototype.
rectify cor-rectify
reprieve relieve – temporary relief/delay
revile to attack with words or call bad names vile = drink =mouth = poison with words = evil