EMECO State of play, future development and EMOS Dave Mills CEFAS, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences Lowesoft UK MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 Partnership – bottom up Integrated approach - EDT Whole greater than the sum of its parts Make best use of new observational strategies, tools, & technologies Research & policy driven community Creating better evidence & new knowledge Ferries Satellites Research vessels Gliders Buoys Models Towed bodies CPR European Marine Ecosystem Observatory An ecosystem based approach
Building the partnerships… MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 EMECO – NOOS North Sea Observatory meeting Lowestoft June 2009 Western Shelf Observatory – (IBI-ROOS) Kick-Off meeting AFBI, Belfast June 2010
Why an ecosystem based approach MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 MSFD requires GES by 2020 Management of human activities having an impact on the marine environment, Integrating the concepts of environmental protection and sustainable use Apply an ecosystem-based approach to the management of human activities Regional cooperation at each stage –Active dialogue between scientists and policy makers to turn ecological data into a useable form
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 Turbo-charging observations Acoustics Remote sensing – satellites, aircraft, radar Optics – laser particle sizers, flow cytometry, multispectal sensors Sensors and probes galore – optrodes, electrodes, In situ analysers Automated water samplers - multiple variable analysis Lab on a chip Multiplatform – RVs, moorings, ships of opportunity (Ferries), drifters, bottom landers, profilers, towed bodies (CPR, Scanfish), gliders, animals, people (divers, beach goers, sailors) Data intensive science I
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 Ecopath Size – spectra ECOSYSTEM MODELS BIOGEOCHEMICAL MODELS BIOTA – Production, Consumption, Spatial pattern, responses to environmental change and fishing Turbo-charging models
Where next - partnerships UK – Integrated Marine Observing Network Top down process (MSCC) based largely on existing resources Partnership delivering efficiency gains Research and policy driven observations Based on UKMMAS infrastructure Delivering societal benefits: policy, science and operations MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011
EMECO Datatool – Integration & assessment ICES Delayed mode Datatool Interface EMECO Assessment database User Query Data XML, CSV Assessment map Time-series KML–Google Earth Calibration Validation Gridded data Data Archive Centres Real time CPR Delayed mode QA’d Data Marine Core Service Provision Delayed mode XML
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 Marine Integrated Information and Evidence Pipeline Datatool Interface Assessment database User Query Data XML, CSV Assessment map Time-series/trends KML–Google Earth Gridded data Sea Level Ocean Color SST Sea Ice & Wind In Situ Physics Chemistry Geology Biology Bathymetry Ur-EMODNET Lots GMES MCS TAC CPR Fish ICES
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 Time series North Sea temperature Assessment map Time series chart KML, Data (CSV, SML) North Sea (OSPAR) UK Maritime Area (CP2) NW European Shelf (1ogrid) Physical (T, S, Waves, SPM) Chemical (N, P, Si, O2) Biological (chlorophyll, benthic species numbers, diversity) Ship, Buoys (multi parameter), Wavebuoys, satellites, models EMECO Datatools
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 OSPAR N/Sea Chl UK-CP2 Benthic Sp. Diversity Ecological data in a ‘useable’ form – observations Time series temperature multi platform Ecological data Physical Chemical Biological
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 Eutrophication – descriptor 5 Useable information – eutrophication assessment
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 Eutrophication – descriptor 5 Useable information – eutrophication assessment Other descriptors to follow Litter Commercial fisheries Hydrography (?)
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 Eutrophication – descriptor 5 Useable information – eutrophication assessment Other descriptors to follow Litter Commercial fisheries Hydrography (?) A streamlined ‘on-line’ assessment system that:- “enables rapid integration and assessment of multi-national, multi-agency multi-platform, and multi-variate ecological data”
EMECO State of play Partnerships, to create better evidence and new knowledge Tool to streamline evidence creation from partner data Initial focus on North Sea, subsequently Western Shelf North Sea partnership based on NOOS consortium UK IMON recent development (last week !)
EMECO Datatool - EDT Enabling technology that streamlines environmental assessments Initial focus on eutrophication (OSPAR, MSFD, ND, UWWTD, WFD) Current work –Broadening to other descriptors (Defra) Litter, Commercial Fisheries, Hydrography (?) Risk based approach to monitoring and assessment –Operationalising EDT (Cefas) (– review compliance) –JERICO Datatool based on EDT engine Future work - –FIXO3 (New I3 proposal) –Marine Litter –Uptake into EuroGOOS WG Products
Could EMODNET provide the backbone for a European marine observation system? If not, why? What is lacking? Yes – possibly What purpose will EMOS serve Will the proposed division of funding for EMODNET deliver whats needed – will it support ecosystem based management –Problems with biology ! Clarity about problem(s) to be addressed – ie why do we need EMOS Clarity about End User (Funder) and Intermediate User needs is critical EMOS needs to be based on a shared vision stretching across the community –Emphasis on co-development of the system, co-ownership and co-production for its operation MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011
How could they be developed to better serve needs at regional level or at global level Regional/global level –Engage with relevant regional /global infrastructures (policy, programmatic, alliances) –Being clear about the ‘regional question’ in order to define needs –Natural system integrity can help to determine correct spatial scale –Clear links between different parts of the supply chain; from data to information to knowledge and products –Ensuring solutions (to problems/needs) that are adaptive –Recognising what is generic and what is specific –Scaleability –Aim for operational status – robust, reliable, repeatable etc
Environmental monitoring/MSFD (policy) –Straight forward where monitoring and assessment requirements clearly defined (indicators, data needs, reference conditions, targets, measures, confidence requirements etc Ocean climate –Real time/delayed mode, forecasting / nowcasting, operational –Acidfication – ecosystem structure and function Industry –Define information products –Use existing infrastructure ! How could they be developed to better serve needs at regional level or at global level
What does useable mean – Future fisheries and environmental assessment needs Latest status of marine environment Monthly time resolution Set into historical context – long term time series Future ‘realistic’ scenarios of environmental status (much advice based on predictions) Method of communication and timing crucial
Summary Partnerships the flavour of the decade ! Agreeing to work together easy – making a difference is the challenge Clarity about purpose is essential – data management is a means to an end Enabling technologies changing the way we can meet need EMOS the right way forward Need to engage to sustain MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011
Thanks for your attention MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011
A scientific workflow approach Workflow eScience engines ! XML Web Services Databases Cloud Services Visualization After Howe MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011
Benthic data – Shannon species diversity
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 Model results for policy uptake Ecological data in a ‘useable’ form – model results
MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011 EMECO - Western Shelf Observatory Map Room An exercise in scaling ! (
EuroGOOS products MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011
WGOOFE Operational oceanographic products for fisheries and the environment MRI, Brussels, Nov 2011