Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Zeitoun Journal 11/20/14: Social media has made it easier than ever before to spread the word about a cause. Whether it’s.


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Presentation transcript:

Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal Zeitoun Journal 11/20/14: Social media has made it easier than ever before to spread the word about a cause. Whether it’s a reminder to vote in a local election, an Instagram video challenging you to dump a bucket of ice water on your head, or a less serious call-to-action, like a petition to create a taco emoji—promoting and donating to causes that matter to you has become pretty simple. D,C,Q: The Maryland State Department of Education should revitalize the Student Service Learning hours expectations so that online service is considered community service.

Free-write How does Dave Eggers engage and orient the reader throughout the first section of Zeitoun?

Agenda: Journal: Revised SSL Hours Zeitoun discussion #1 – How does Eggers engage and orient the reader? What devices and strategies does he use? What is the effect of those devices and strategies? – What is worth discussing from the first 81 pages? What does he say? What does he not say? Your questions! Homework: – Read until page 133 in Zeitoun for Tuesday. – Compare/Contrast Outline due Tuesday. – Next journal explode = due 12/12 When you leave you will have: -analyzed the strategies that Dave Eggers used to engage and orient the reader in Zeitoun.

How does Dave Eggers engage and orient the reader in the first section of Zeitoun? Devices & Strategies Organizational structure Dialogue Flashback Syntax Anecdotes What is the effect? Is he building his credibility (or Zeitoun’s credibility)? Is he establishing an emotional connection/response from the audience? Is he creating logic within his argument/story?

Group Rhetorical Analysis RHETORICAL DEVICE: Evidence of it in use:How does this device contribute to the tone? Effect it creates:How does this device help accomplish their purpose for writing?

Hi! You need: Pencil/pen Journal A Raisin in the Sun Journal 11/20/14: Social media has made it easier than ever before to spread the word about a cause. Whether it’s a reminder to vote in a local election, an Instagram video challenging you to dump a bucket of ice water on your head, or a less serious call-to-action, like a petition to create a taco emoji—promoting and donating to causes that matter to you has become pretty simple. D,C,Q: The Maryland State Department of Education should revitalize the Student Service Learning hours expectations so that online service is considered community service.

Agenda: Journal: Revised SSL Hours? A Raisin in the Sun – Finish Act II, scene 1 – Existentialism What is it? How is it evident in A Raisin in the Sun? What do we expect to have happen as a result? Read Act II, scene 2 Learning Log (11/18-11/21): Your choice! Homework: – None When you leave you will have: -explained how each female character represents a different American woman.