How to access the wonderful resources your library has available!
The web-based catalog allows you to look up library materials by author, title, award winners, reading levels, etc. from any device or computer Create resource lists and them to yourself and others Place holds to reserve desired materials Recommend titles to others Create wish lists for books and other materials you would like to see in your library Check books in and out, and view your circulation history!
Go to and find your school’s name. Or have your librarian give you the permanent link: Click on the User button in the top right- hand corner and login using your DOE Outlook alias (the left-side of the address and password.
Search for books in your school library catalog by title, author, subject, series, reading level, interest level, material type, and award winners.
Click on the title you wish to look up Look up the user
Click on the Wishlist button to add that title or recommend a new one.
Go to Catalog=Resource Lists=Add List Type in the List Name and a description (if necessary). You can also choose to make the list public so students/Faculty can see the list without having to login
Search for books (under Library Search tab) to add to the list. Make certain to choose the correct list (if you have more than one), and click on Add to this list.
Now, go back to Resource Lists=>Click on the List you would like to View. You can save the list as a text, or it:
The address will default to whoever is logged in. You can type in any address you like, but only one. For multiple recipients, it to yourself and then forward.
You can checkout books to yourself, check them in, place holds on items that are checked out (and receive notification when they are in). You can also view your history for circulation, holds, and recommended titles that you requested.