Bad Kitty! By: Anais Jover
This photo essay is about behaviors of cats that their owners do not enjoy. I only showed some behaviors of cats however there are many more. If you have a cat you will be able to relate to the types of things cats do, and maybe we can look at it and think it can sometimes be cute. They always want to be the center of attention.
Hey! I Need That Chewing on…A pencil
Killing the Plant! Eat yourveggies
Taking my Cookie! Stealinga bite
Spills my Water! Lookingthen spilling
That’s my Dinner! Servingherself
Stop it! On a shelf…In a sink…
Bad Kitty!
Other Owners Writing That I Found on the Internet “All of a sudden out of nowhere run across a room, meowing like a nut, 50 miles an hour, meowing or crying again and again, darting faster and looking around all over the place then stopping?” A meow or two is cute, but on an endless loop, these cat vocalizations can approach crying-baby levels of annoying. It may be hard to believe, but they’re not trying to drive you crazy. Contrary to popular belief, meowing, chirping, and trilling is not how cats communicate with each other. These vocalizations are used as a way to communicate with humans only! Do you talk to people you hate? Me either. So next time your cat meows at you, feel special
“The bathroom is the one place where you can be truly alone. Unless you’re a cat owner. Then you’re guaranteed to see frantic paws under the door, searching for you (if they don’t just let themselves in). This desperate behavior is actually a completely natural sign of love.” “You’re in the middle of a very important when suddenly Miss Kitty leaps on your desk and takes a Sunday afternoon stroll down the middle of the keyboard. Once there, she decides your computer is the perfect spot for a nap, and proceeds to get comfy. As frustrating as this is, it's actually not meant to be annoying. Cats love to be the center of attention, and computers just happen to be warm with lots of whirring and blinking lights. Sitting there is just a cat’s way of saying ‘Hey look at me! I’m important too! Oooh this feels nice...zzzzz'.”