1 Education
2 Education and income A high school diploma and a college degree both raise personal income.
3 U.S. focus of education Practical and job related
4 Japan vs America Japan-entrance based on personal ability demonstrated on achievement tests
5 Manifest functions Socializing of young Creating new culture Integrating people into a new society
6 Latent functions Child care Consumes time & energy Lasting relationships
7 Conflict perspective Educational tracking Best schooling goes to students who are more privileged to begin with. Segregates students into different worlds
8 College attendance As family income increases, the share of children going to college goes up.
9 Community colleges Enroll almost 40% of college students Greatly expand the opportunity to attend college Enroll ½ of African American and Hispanic undergraduates
10 Illiteracy in the United States Functional illiteracy People leave school without learning basic skills Major concerns Urgent problem Greater than 5 other countries 40 M adults=8th grade language skills
11 Problems fostered by bureaucracy Imposes uniformity and ignores cultural variations Numerical performance and test scores = success All students are expected to progress at the same rate
12 A Nation at Risk Requires more Math, English, Social Studies, Science, and Computer science Improve teacher training Raising teachers’ salaries
13 Credentialism Evaluating people on the basis of educational degrees
14 Strategies for change (Summary) “School choice” model Magnet schools
15 “School choice” model Assumes U.S. public schools perform poorly because they have no competition Designed to increase competition
16 Magnet schools Encourages students to specialize in specific areas of study
17 The teacher shortage Shortage of teachers in the us today.