2010 New software product developed by PDM Lynx effectively manages engineering projects to easily find, track, share, control and modify documents throughout an entire organization with minimal effort Team Nexus Manuel Ayala Becca Boyer Itel Frescas Construction Engineering Project Manager Product Data Management Software Upgrade
2010 About PDMLynx What is PDMLynx? – PDMLynx from NuVentures is a product data management tool designed for small to medium-sized engineering and manufacturing businesses. Who is it for? – PDMLynx is designed for small to medium-sized engineering and manufacturing businesses generally with seven to nine engineers. 2Team Nexus
2010 – Productivity improvements through automated management of product data. – Centralized product data information. One, simple data source for your entire organization to access. – Avoids the expense and burden of broad PLM products that require months of integration and corporate- wide process changes. 3Team Nexus What services does PDMLynx provide?
2010 PDMLynx Solving Problems PDMLynx solves many common business problems such as: – Locating the latest information on any component the company uses – Knowing who made the change to every document and why it was changed – Understanding the impact of a component change across all products – Quickly installing a part change to all the BOMs in the company – Assuring all work is on the latest revision of the product design – Confirming every part in the assembly meets compliance standards – Keeping track of all shipping revisions of the product – Capturing approved manufacturers and suppliers for each part – Speeding up the ECO process to reduce development time – Creating processes that met the requirements of industry certifications 4Team Nexus
2010 More About PDMLynx What does PDMLynx do? – PDMLynx gives corporations a central location for records of all parts, bills of materials and required supporting documentation. – PDMLynx is highly configurable allowing it to be altered to meet any business need. It is built around five elements: Part Number Management Material Sourcing Management Bill of Material Management Management of Engineering Documents Streamlining Engineering Change Orders 5Team Nexus
2010 Part Number Management Features Quick launch buttons that allow for quick editing and entry Prefix and part number formatting guides which allow multiple users in the part number creation process to be consistent and efficient Existing Parts window displays all parts within the selected prefix Guide window displays your rules on part number creation The ability to audit previous changes to the parts database These features allow the company to be customized in a way that meets any part number requirements 6Team Nexus Sample Part Number Creation Screen
2010 Material Sourcing Management Features Keeps track of each supplier and manufacturer combination required to purchase the desired parts Captures important information such as – supplier name – supplier type – part description – notes to purchasing agent – minimum and maximum quantity – purchase price – and more Keeps detailed supplier contact information making it quick and easy to find the information on the supplier needed Allows quick editing options and provides a previous user audit 7Team Nexus Sample Supplier Contact Information Screen
2010 Bill of Material Management Features Creation of an associated list of part numbers or BOM for any part, even for those parts which have their own BOMs Ability to create part number trees of infinite depth. Automatic detection of a recursive BOM assuring all BOMs are created correctly to significantly reduce errors and time spent finding and correcting errors A variety of reports allowing for internal and external department needs 8Team Nexus Sample BOM Editing Screen
2010 Management of Engineering Document Features Includes documents such as: – Mechanical drawings – Schematics – Part lists – Images – Test data – Assembly and inspection procedures – And More Manage product documents created with any PC based application including: – Excel – Photoshop – AutoCAD – SolidWorks – Microsoft Word – Even custom software if it is on a users workstation Support up to twenty document groups defined by the user and each of these document groups can support up to eight program types 9Team Nexus Sample Document Editor Screen
2010 Engineering Change Order Form Features Completely automated allowing the document editor to spend time on changes to the documents themselves instead of fretting over the change process Change process automations include: – the determination of scope – the creation of new part number revisions needed – guidance for ECO authors – adding color highlight alerts to affected part numbers – providing quick-links for ECO approvers to review Every user impacted by an ECO or ECR receives a notification on their PDMLynx home screen Better efficiency by allowing for an automated, paperless approval and information process 10Team Nexus Sample ECO Request Screen
2010 PDMLynx Initial Product Configuration PDMLynx is highly configurable, allowing it to be tailored to meet any business need. The system administrator has access to the following parameters to set up the product: Network Data Folder Defines the path to the server that stores the PDMLynx data files. Documents Defines the external document types to be managed by PDMLynx. Sets up the required applications to launch each document, the level of ECO control, and the radio button text to access them. Part Numbers Defines the prefix, body and revision part number scheme for PDMLynx. P/N Attributes 1 Allows customization of the part number status, source code and compliance selections available in the pull down menus. P/N Attributes 2 Provides the creation of up to 12 customer specific part number fields attached to each part number 11Team Nexus Organization Supports replacement of the PDMLynx logo on the home screen with your company logo and provides a link to store general corporate documents such as ISO procedures via a click on this logo. Workstations List of computers within your company that have access to PDMLynx. Each new workstation requires a one time authorization at their initial log in request after installing the application. Users Database of system user ID/password and the editing/approval privileges assigned
2010 PDMLynx Initial Product Configuration Continued Versions Tool to install an update to PDMLynx that will automatically be distributed to the entire user community as they log in. Also provides a complete update history. ECOs Defines the approval requirements for released and unreleased part numbers. To streamline the engineering process, independent approval processes for Released and Un-Released parts are supported. 12Team Nexus Product Categories Establishes customer specific folders to organize part numbers in the documents window. Logs Provides log files on general activity, ECOs and file transfers by user name. server configuration for distribution of all PDMLynx ECO notifications.
2010 Availability and Cost The cost for PDMLynx is $795 per licensed seat where as other PDM software companies start from $1500 and can go up to $3500 or more per licensed seat. The company gives an organization a 30-day free trial membership of the software prior to purchase to encourage a purchase of the product and help in advertising by word-of-mouth. NuVentures claims that about 60% of potential customers purchase their product after the trial use. Surveys from NuVentures also claim that an additional 15% of the product sold comes from recommendations from firms to firms. Why pick PDMLynx? – The software creates one vision of the ‘truth’ across an entire organization and with this new software organizations can and will become more efficient while reducing costs to benefit clients and the organization. 13Team Nexus
2010 Reviews "One of the key reasons we implemented PDMLynx was that we use outside manufacturing subcontractors and managing our approved manufacturer’s list overtime had been a challenge. PDMLynx’s supplier features have solved this problem. “ – Engineering lead, Audio conferencing products firm “We needed a tool to provide our factory floor simple access to engineering information that will guarantee they see the latest revision of all the documents they need. PDMLynx did the trick. Our factory floor is happy and manufacturing errors due to obsolete documentation have been eliminated.” – Manufacturing engineer, Large bottling facility "Having an automated ECO process across multiple interrelated BOMs, with easy access to the complete ECO history is what moved us from our manual system to PDMLynx. It has been great. “ – Engineering manager, Custom imaging equipment "We looked at tools provided by our CAD supplier but their organization was driven from the document making it hard to see the overall product picture beyond CAD. PDMLynx’s logic approach of attaching all information to the part/revision works far better for us. “ – Engineering manager, Cutting machines company "We needed a simple method to understand the cost of our new designs as the evolved during the development process. PDMLynx’s ability to provide costs BOMS and redline BOM changes across revisions was the killer app for us.“ – Lead Engineer, Petrochemical process design firm 14Team Nexus