By: Darby Naughton
OUR WORLD PROJECT This project is Our World Project in Math and we worked on it in English as well. The subject I am doing is Obesity problems in the U.S.A. I am comparing my results to Mexico, Brazil and Canada. I have to persuade the United Nations to give me money to help this problem.
OBESITY? The definition of obesity is when someone or something is over the amount of a certain weight. Obesity is determined by your weight, height, age, and gender. Also it means that you have more fat then necessary. If you want to see a Internet definition click HERE.HERE It may take a little bit of time so just wait.
FACTS ON EACH COUNTRY CLICK A COUNTRY FLAG TO SEE SOME FACTS. America Canada Mexico Brazil Click Here to Continue.Here
AMERICA Many Americans struggle from Obesity. This is because of how many fast food places are in the United States. Obesity has increased by 60% in the past year. 33% of all American adults are obese. Obesity related deaths has gone up to 300,000 people a year. CLICK HERE TO CONTINUEHERE
AMERICA 20% of all Hawaiian kids are overweight This all has to do with Technology. With Technology we have been able to make food bigger, better, and make it able to last longer. A meal at Burger King can fill a adults calorie quota in for one day. Sodium is the main reason because it is in everything, soda, fries, burgers, chips, etc. Click Here to go Back and see other Countries.Here
CANADA At the moment Obesity is one of the leading causes of death. It has a percentage of 6.1 of its citizens at an unhealthy weight. 23% of Canadians from the age 18 and older are obese. Another 36% more is overweight. Approximately 6.8 million adults from the ages 20 to 64 were overweight & an additional 4.5 million is obese. Click Here to go Back and see other Countries.Here
MEXICO Mexico is in 34 place for the most McDonalds in the world. The intake of junk food and soda is huge factor here. 69.5% of the population from the ages 15 and older are obese or overweight. The percentage has tripled over the past 3 decades and it has a higher rate then the U.S.A (which historically has the highest rate). 4.5 million children from the ages 5-11 are overweight Click Here to go Back and see other Countries.Here
BRAZIL Now when people think of Brazil they think of the models that have come from that country not about obesity. About 40% of all Brazilians are Obese. This is because of the countries sweet tooth for sugar. Brazil and the U.S.A intake the most sugar. In the last 30 years the soda intake has gone up by 400% Click Here to go Back and see other Countries.Here
GRAPHS ON EACH COUNTRY CLICK A COUNTRY FLAG TO SEE GRAPHS. America Canada Mexico Brazil Click Here to Continue.Here
This is a pie graph showing results of adults healthy and unhealthy weights. Click Here to ContinueHere
CANADA This is a pie graph showing results with ages 18 and over. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK.HERE
MEXICO. This is a pie graph showing results 15 and older. Click Here to Continue.Here
MEXICO. This is a Bar Graph showing the McDonalds of my 4 Countries. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK.HERE
BRAZIL This is a pie graph showing results of the population of Brazil. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK.HERE
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? If 23% of Canadian adults are obese or overweight and 33% of adult Americans are obese or overweight this means that there is a 7% difference. If 69.5% of Mexican adults are obese or overweight and 33% of American adults are obese or overweight this means that there is a difference of 36% difference and this means that Mexico is having more problems. 40%of Brazilians are obese and 67.2 Americans obese that means that theres is a 37% difference. (This is not out of 100%)
WHAT I THINK. United Nations as you can see America and other countries need help. I hope you can see this and you understand what I am trying to say. I feel bad for those who have relatives, friends, brothers, and sisters who are obese or overweight. I hope we can change many things in the next few years.
BIBILIOGRAPHY. Lucena, Jose R. "Obesity in Brazil." Obesity in Brazil. Web.. "Welcome to Obesity Canada." Welcome to Obesity Canada. Life Web. 03 May "Obesity in Mexico." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia. Web. 03 May
BIBILIOGRAPHY. "Obesity in America | Down to Earth." Down to Earth | ALL VEGETARIAN Organic and Natural. Down to Earth. Web. 03 May "Obesity." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. WIkipedia. Web. 03 May "List of Countries with McDonald's Franchises." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia. Web. 03 May
BIBLIOGRAPHY "Google Images." Google. Google. Web. 03 May