Northeast Cumulative Effects Assessment and Management Pilot Project Introduction October 2013
Proposed Agenda 2
Project Overview: Key Drivers 3 To assess potential cumulative impacts to natural resource values To improve our ability to determine if we are adequately managing to meet provincial government objectives To provide increased certainty and stability
4 Project Overview 1.What is the problem we are trying to solve? 2.How are we attempting to solve it? 3.What will success look like?
5 The Problem Considering only project or sector- specific effects allows unintended impacts to accumulate over time
6 The Solution: A Values Based Approach 1.Assess Cumulative Effects – risk to values 2.Manage Cumulative Effects – consistency, coordination Time
7 Defining Success: Key Shifts Single sector Multi-sector coordinated, area-based Project-focused Values-focused Reactive Proactive, focused on desired outcomes
8 Defining Success: Key Outcomes Consistency across sectors Mobilizing force for implementing integrated decision- making Improved information up-front for proponents Streamlined authorization / referral process More proactive, catch issues earlier Substantially address First Nations and Community CE concerns
9 Context 1.Demonstration Projects: Northeast, Northwest, Okanagan 2.Working towards a consistent Provincial Approach
10 Dawson Creek LRMP Area Demonstration Area
11 Pilot Project Last year: Designed the process Developed internal government structures This year: Test and then evaluate Next year: Subject to the outcomes of the evaluation and approval, expand implementation across Northeast region
12 Proposed Process
13 Values Foundation Select Broad Values – others are nested within Two types: Resource values Socio-economic values Need: Manageable number Ability to measure – legal/policy objective Existing data
Values Resource Values Water quantity Caribou Old growth forests Riparian habitat Priority wildlife habitat Cultural heritage features Future Water quality Air quality Socio-Economic Values Job creation and retention Revenue to governments Private sector investment 14
15 Operational Trial Milestones Sept 2013Initial Draft CEA Oct 2013Engage to build shared understanding and improve Draft CEA Nov Jan 2014 Test CEA with decision-makers Feb - Mar 2014 Evaluate operational trial Lessons learned to support longer-term implementation
16 Opportunities for Collaboration Based on work-to-date: Data for values – existing and through future monitoring Trends information Near-term (3-5 years) Anticipated pace of change By watershed Discussion on other possibilities
17 Questions
Cumulative Effects - Defined 18 “Changes to environmental, social, and economic values caused by the combined effect of present, past, and reasonably foreseeable future actions or events on the land base.”
What it is and What it isn’t 19 What It Is A consistent framework and better information to support integrated NRS decision-making Open & transparent data A risk based approach to assessing potential cumulative effects to key values What It Is A consistent framework and better information to support integrated NRS decision-making Open & transparent data A risk based approach to assessing potential cumulative effects to key values What it Isn’t ≠ Land Use Planning ≠ A tool/formula that makes decisions ≠ Thresholds to automatically limit development What it Isn’t ≠ Land Use Planning ≠ A tool/formula that makes decisions ≠ Thresholds to automatically limit development