Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs 1.Soil depth,an average soil depth value for each cell. The soil depth values should be in millimeters (Raster) Source:


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Presentation transcript:

Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs 1.Soil depth,an average soil depth value for each cell. The soil depth values should be in millimeters (Raster) Source: a) LDD b)FAO( Avairable: Soil_D_flo,Grid(floating), Source:Harmonized World Soil Database

Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs 2.Precipitation, An average annual precipitation for each cell. The precipitation values should be in millimeters.(Raster/non-zero value) Source:a) Meteorological Department(METD) b) Avairable : Preci_flo, Grid(floating), Source: WorldClime-Global Climate Data

Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs 3.Plant Available Water Content. Plant Available Water Content fraction(PAWC) is the fraction of water that can be stored in the soil profile that is available for plants’ use. PAWC is a fraction from 0 to 1. (Raster) Source: SPAW ( is software to help we estimate PAWC when we have soil texture data. Avairable: PAWC_flo,Grid(floating), Source: Derive from Harmonized World Soil Database

Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs 4.Average Annual Potential Evapotranspiration. Potential evapotranspiration is the potential loss of water from soil by evaporation and transpiration and the values should be in millimeters (Raster) Source: a) Global Map of Monthly Reference Evapotranspiration ( Avairable: Eto_flo,Grid(floating), Source: MODIS Global Evapotranspiration Project (MOD16) ct/mod16

Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs 5.LULC, A GIS raster dataset, with an LULC code for each cell. The LULC code should be an integer. (Raster) Source: a) DNP/LDD/WWF network/Image classification Source: DNP(2000,2008) / LDD(2008) / Tennaserim workshop,Utin,(Myanmar) 6.Watersheds. A shape file, with an integer field named “ws_id” and a unique integer value for each watershed Source: Derive from DEM? 7.Sub-watersheds. A shape file, Source: Derive from DEM?

Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs 8.Biophysical table (dbf. of mdb file). A table of land use/land cover classes, containing data on biophysical coefficients used in this tool. Table names should no spaces. Each column contains a different attribute of each land cover class and must be named as follows: 1. “lucode”. Land use code is the unique integer for each LUCL class,must match the LULC raster 2.”LULC_desc”. Descriptive name of land use/land cover class (optional) 3. “root_depth” The maximum root depth for vegetated land use classes, given in integer millimeters.Non-vegetated LULCs should be given a value of “etk” The plant evapotranspiration coefficient for each LULC class. Coefficients should be multiplied by 1000, so that the final etk values given in the table are integers ranging between 1 and 1500

Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs

Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs

Ex_Water Yield Model Data needs 9. Zhang constant. Floating point value between 1 and 10 corresponding to the seasonal distribution of precipitation. The factor is around 4 in tropical watersheds, 9 in temperate watersheds and 1 in monsoon watersheds. 8. Digital elevation model (DEM) Source: a) ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model V001(resolution 30x30 m.) ?Portal=GCMD&MetadataType=0&MetadataView= Full&KeywordPath=&EntryId=ASTGTM1

Ex_Water Yield Model Running the Model Soil depthPrecipitation Plant Available Water Content Evapotranspiration Land use/land coverWatersheds Sub-watersheds Biophysical Table

Ex_Water Yield Model Output Total water yield Mean water yield Water yield volume per hectare

Ex_Water Yield Model Output

Running the Model Land use/land cover Ex_Carbon Storage

Output Ex_Carbon Storage
