Module IV: Building Organizational Capacity and Community Support Cheri Hayes Consultant to Nebraska Lifespan Respite Statewide Sustainability Workshop June 23-24, 2015 © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Module IV: Building Organizational Capacity and Community Support Goals To identify resources and design strategies related to: Adaptability to changing conditions Community support Key champions Strong internal management systems Tools: Environmental Scan; Self- Assessment Summary, Design Worksheets © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Steps to Complete Module 4 1. Review self-assessment results, environmental scan and previous planning work 2. Identify resources and design strategies 3. Prioritize strategies 4. Align with your financing plan © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Considerations for Strategies and Design What opportunities are present? What threats must you respond to? What major strengths can you draw on? What major weaknesses need to be addressed? How do our proposed strategies relate to our financing plan? What resources are needed and available for implementation? © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Adaptability to Changing Conditions Environmental scan Assessment of political, economic, demographic, policy and fiscal context Assessment of related local agencies and organizations Self-assessment results Do we monitor changes in the external environment? Do we participate in efforts to change policy and financing of lifespan respite? © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Adaptability to Changing Conditions: Brainstorming Strategies Join a national or state advocacy coalition Create a local health care and/or social services policy group Encourage board members to participate in federal policy advocacy related to your Network Empower family caregivers, health care and social service providers, employers, volunteers, to advocate for Lifespan Respite resources Others? © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Community Support Review assessment results Do you have a strong community identity, brand and presence? Who is on your board? How do you cultivate their support? Do you have relationships with local media? Do you have appealing and effective marketing materials (brochures, websites, PowerPoint presentations for local groups) © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Community Support: Brainstorming Strategies Develop a PowerPoint presentation to share with community groups, employers, health care and social service providers, volunteers Build relationships with local media Create a signature event in the community Design a public will building campaign with other key stakeholders Others? © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Key Champions Develop key champions across several domains – consumers, providers, employers and business leaders, religious leaders, political leaders, groups representing target disabled populations Explore interests of potential key champions to help develop a convincing message and identify a good messenger Enlist key champions to bring aboard other support Create a way to thank key champions (special event, media coverage of their organizations, opportunities to network with others in positions of power and influence Others? © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Key Champions: Brainstorming Strategies Develop key champions across several domains – consumers, providers, employers, religious leaders, political leaders Explore interests of potential key champions to help develop a resounding message and identify a messenger Enlist a key champion to bring aboard additional support Create a way to thank your key champions (special event, media coverage of their involvement, networking with others who have power and influence in your community © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Internal Management Systems Self-assessment results: Do you have systems in place to help you manage your work effectively and efficiently? Governance Financial management Staffing Volunteer recruitment, training, support and monitoring Data collection and analysis Communications and outreach Program management and administration Planning and coordination © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Internal Management Systems: Brainstorming Strategies Develop a communications plan to address internal messaging and external marketing/outreach Review governance structure to be sure it meets the needs of your Local Lifespan Respite Network Enlist support to strengthen financial management systems, controls, etc. Develop effective volunteer recruitment, training, support and monitoring Develop effective systems for planning, coordination, monitoring and quality control Others? © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Prioritizing Strategies Decision framework: Importance to accomplishing your sustainability goals Ease of implementation Financial feasibility How to best sequence your strategies? What comes first? © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Next Steps Brainstorm environmental scan Identify significant political, economic, demographic, policy and fiscal trends that will affect your Network Identify other local agencies and organizations that are potential partners and competitors Focus on one element and brainstorm strategies Share and discuss with all workshop participants © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Internal Management Systems Brainstorming Strategies Develop a communications plan to address internal communication between partners and external communications with the public Review governance structure to ensure it meets your needs Enlist support to strengthen fiscal management Enlist support to strengthen data collection, analysis and reporting Develop strong systems for volunteer recruitment, training, monitoring and support © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Prioritizing Strategies Decision framework: Importance for accomplishing your sustainability goals Ease of implementation Financial feasibility How can you sequence your efforts? What comes first? © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.
Next Steps Brainstorm Environmental Scan (Worksheet #1) – Identify potential partners and competitors Clarify major economic, demographic, political and fiscal factors that will affect your Local Network work Focus on one element and brainstorm potentially effective strategies Share and discuss with all workshop participants © 2011 The Finance Project. Used under license.