Whole Life in the Mission FLGA 2005
Mentor Teams If Needed… Meet with Congregation(s) 3 times ea. year Report updates to FLGA, Jan/Sept
Meeting One Why we should do a stewardship program? How it can be done? What materials will be used? When will we do this? Who will be involved?
Meeting Two Implementation of materials, stewardship program. Evaluate progress Recommend changes Report sent to FLGA in Grant Application Can be done by phone….
Meeting Three Evaluate current year end stewardship program. Recommended changes for next year. Develop Stewardship plan for Year 2 Select Material for Year 2
General Goals Spiritual Gifts Used Increase in Worship & S.S. Small Groups by …% Increase in offerings by % Dedicated to Outreach Leadership/Teams increased Support other work being done in FLGA Capital Campaign tied to future ministry plans 5 Year Plan to be self supporting
Stewardship Resources God’s Trustees Stewardship Banquet Step Up Pony Express Cottage Meetings Consecration Sunday LCMS Stewardship manual
20/40 Rule A general healthy practice is to have financial support spread out over the entire membership. What percentage of the budget do the top 20% of your families provide in their gifts? Does this exceed 40%? How dependant is your future ministry based on the few?
How Much Budget… See demographics “Household by Income” Take the Median or Average Income per Household $ amount x 2-3% x the number of families in the congregation. This will give a generic idea for how much budget the congregation can afford. For illustration purposes take the above info and multiply x 5%, 7%, and 10%.
How Much Land & Building LCEF exists to assist congregations in the purchase of land and building programs. The congregation will however have to provide information stating how they will repay the loan. $½ million will cost around $2700 per month
Capital Campaign How much can we expect… See demographics under Households by Income. Take the average or median income x 5% x the number of families which will pledge over 3-5 years. This will give you a reasonable idea of what you can expect to raise.
Excel Budget Budget by areas Membership giving by attendee or family Loan Calculator Five Year Tracking Projection
Ministry Map Describe how a person moves from visitor to membership. Draw a flow chart listing step by step how people are directed through this process and what happens after they become members. How are they involved in ministry? How are they equipped, trained?