Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 1 Module 11 Executing and Controlling the Work Session 11.1 Managing Execution: Executing and Controlling the Work
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 2 Overview Reviewed PAR Detailed implementation plan Control and reporting system Agreement from functional managers Buy-in from stakeholders Project Implementation Plan Presentation to Managers Management approval and project startup Execution Begins
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 3 Instructional Objectives 1.Identify variances and trends for key project parameters, determine if corrective actions are required, and adjust the baseline plan and the current operating plan as needed. 2.Develop solutions to typical project management and procurement (contract management) problems (works, equipment, services).
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 4 Sessions 1.Controlling time, cost, resources, and scope (performance & quality) 2.Procurement and contract management challenges 3.Application case study
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 5 On The Job Management Tasks Start up project management information systems. Implement processes for data collection, processing, and reporting. Initiate procurement of works, services, and goods/equipment. Monitor project parameters (through reports) and compare progress vs. plan.
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 6 On The Job Management Tasks (Continued) Monitor procurement and resolve contracting issues. Re-plan and reschedule as required. Secure approval from management for required changes in plans and schedules Distribute revised plans. Maintain team-building and communications activities
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 7 Managing Execution Goal of Execution: Draw on knowledge, skills, and planning to bring project in On schedule (time) On budget (cost) Within scope (performance and quality) Achieve other objectives
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 8 Instructional Objectives At the end of this session, learners working in teams and given a case example or vignette will be able to: 1.Describe the tasks the project manager must perform once execution of work begins. 2.Interpret variance reports on time, cost, resources and scope (performance and quality). 3.Identify problems early 4.Replan and reschedule as required (schedule, cost (budget), resources and scope).
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 9 Execution Get a Plan That Works Work the Plan
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 10 Project Rectangle Time (Schedule) Scope (Performance and Quality) = Work done that meets specifications Cost (Budget) Resources
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 11 The Plan & Execution Schedule (who does what, when) Cost (budget) Scope (performance & quality) Resource allocation Execution = problem solving
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 12 The Execution Process For each Control Period – Give Out Assignments Based on Plan – Help People Do Their Work (MBWA) – Set Up Reporting System – Measure Progress vs Plan (Status review meetings) – Analyze Variances Time, Cost, Scope, and Resources – Solve Problems and Revise Plans
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 13 The Execution Process (continued) – Make or Force Decisions – Re-plan and Reschedule as Necessary – Pass Out Revised Assignments Repeat for Next Control Cycle
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 14 Variances Variances happen! Good variance Ahead of schedule (usually) Under budget Bad variances Behind schedule Over budget Out of specifications (quality)
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 15 Variances: Flexibility Matrix Project Priority List Fixed Give xx x Scope Time CostResources x
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 16 Schedule Slip Options A.Try to return to plan 1.Add resources 2.Change logic 3.Change objective (scope) 4.Change methods 5.Reduce time estimates (pad) B.Face reality & revise plan
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 17 Budget Variance Options Change the budget Change the resources Change the methods Change the scope Change the schedule Change the cost estimates
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 18 Scope Variance Specifications not attained – Change specifications – Find root cause of problem and correct Materials? Logic? Human resources? Specs exceeded: celebrate! (and communicate)
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 19 Additional Success Factors for Managing Variance Inform management of major changes Continuous analysis of risk Keep estimating time and cost to complete Keep helping team to do their jobs Use reporting to build morale and teamwork
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 20 Summary Successful execution requires 1. Having a good plan 2. Working the plan Constantly problem solve – Anticipate and prevent problems – Go after root causes and correct them
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 21 Summary (continued) Variances require immediate attention Options limited by project rectangle Change the logic Change the resources Change the schedule Change the budget Change the scope
Module 11 Session 11.1 Visual 22 Summary (continued) Have a variance? Can you return to baseline plan? If not, make tradeoff among dimensions of project rectangle Take proposed changes in baseline plan to management Pay attention to human factor