Introduction Lesley Grierson
Floor Plans Risk Assessment & The Home Environment
What ? Yes ….Floor Plans A drawing most often associated with architecture and building engineering. A floor plan is a drawing usually done to scale, showing a view from above, of the relationships between rooms, spaces and other physical features at one level of a structure.
Why ? To evidence base clinicians observational skills To pre-empt potential risks To highlight exits To share visual information increases retention and promotes recall Improves comprehension and Enhances critical thinking skills
Who ? Anybody can draw a floor plan it does not need to done to scale -: ‘Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’ Leonardo Da Vinci
Where ? Judging by the fact that I have been invited to speak to you all today would suggest that the floor plans should be made :- Accessible – in Multi Disciplinary notes Prominent position – follow on from crisis plan Be attainable for all staff
When ? It maybe used to gain insight into environment Navigational purposes Decision making Maintaining safe environment Enhance communication with external agencies if crisis situation occurred
Whichever ? Staff safety is paramount