#FOLG15 The Future of Local Government May 2015 Municipal Association of Victoria
#FOLG15 Welcome Cr Bill McArthur President, Municipal Association of Victoria
#FOLG15 The Future of Local Government journey: the evolution and the challenges: update John Hennessy Municipal Association of Victoria
#FOLG15 Responding to the biggest wake- up call in history Richard A Slaughter Director of Foresight International
#FOLG15 Virtual local government Professor Percy Allan Percy Allan and Associates
#FOLG15 Morning tea
#FOLG15 City of Melbourne: the people's panel Cr Stephen Mayne Councillor, City of Melbourne
#FOLG15 newDemocracy – why and how to innovate in democracy: sharing hard decisions with your community Iain Walker Executive Director, The New Democracy Foundation
#FOLG15 Lunch
#FOLG15 Lessons and insights I’ve learnt in local government and elsewhere Kelvin Spiller Leadership Thinking Australia
#FOLG15 The future of local public services and implications for local government Professor Helen Sullivan University of Melbourne
#FOLG15 Afternoon tea
#FOLG15 Transformation to a new smarter way of working Di Ashton Project Director, Activity-Based Working, Cardinia Shire Council
#FOLG15 Change, innovation, and frugality: what works? Kate Delaney Delaney Foresight
#FOLG15 Re-imagining government in the digital age Barry Quirk CEO, Lewisham Council, UK (Virtual)
#FOLG15 Informal networking session
#FOLG15 The Future of Local Government May 2015 Municipal Association of Victoria
#FOLG15 Local government and Federal government – the importance of the direct relationship, now and into the future Mayor Troy Pickard President, Australian Local Government Association (ALGA)
#FOLG15 Thames-Coromandel’s community boards and how they drive Council planning David Hammond Chief Executive, Thames-Coromandel District Council (NZ)
#FOLG15 Morning tea
#FOLG15 Engaging your community in city council decision-making: lessons learned from 40 years of community governance in Portland, Oregon Dr Paul Leistner
#FOLG15 The need for councils to transform their business model Professor Peter Grant IBRS
#FOLG15 The challenge of change: implications for local government John Walker CEO, Richmond Valley Council (NSW)
#FOLG15 Next Steps John Hennessy Municipal Association of Victoria
#FOLG15 Lunch
#FOLG15 City of Greater Geraldton’s (WA) participatory budgeting journey Ken Diehm CEO, City of Greater Geraldton
#FOLG15 Places for people, by people: how to do it Lucinda Hartley CEO and co-founder, CoDesign Studio
#FOLG15 The Perth Councils amalgamation process: what happened? Peter Kenyon Founder of the Bank of IDEAS and local activist
#FOLG15 Wrap up….. Next steps
#FOLG15 Conference close