Tertiary Entry Program (TEP) Ross Skinner, Bron McFarlane, Bronwyn Fredericks, Pamela CroftWaron, Sandra Creamer and Julie Mann Office of Indigenous Engagement CQUniversity, Australia 4 th Enabling Symposium CQUniversity, Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia 25 June 2014
Tertiary Entry Program (TEP) TEP was initially created in TEP prepares students for successful participation in a university undergraduate or postgraduate degree program. TEP introduces students to university culture, computing skills, academic essays, reports and seminars. The program also offers electives in creative writing, politics, science and philosophy of science. (TEP, overview, page 1).
What are the aims of TEP? Affirm Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity and culture in a university learning context. Develop skills and confidence in preparing for university. Encourage independent learning within a university context. Provide individualised pathways to undergraduate study. Provide direct entry to CQUniversity undergraduate programs. Provide a Tertiary Entry Ranking (TER) for access to undergraduate programs at other Australian universities, not just CQUniversity.
TEP develops knowledge, skills and confidence in preparing for university and affirms Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identities
Who are CQUniversity’s TEP students? Mostly students who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Students residing in correctional centres. Students from refugee backgrounds. Lower enrolments than mainstream enabling programs due to proportion of Indigenous population in the geographical footprint of CQUniversity.
Challenging students to learn something new and have a go…
What support is there for TEP students? Indigenous course coordinators for all TEP courses. Indigenous Engagement Officers. Opportunity for one to one sessions during Term (either by phone, skype or in person at the residential schools). Trial tutorial support from Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS) for students studying courses that are specific to undergraduate pathways.
Academic staff Sandra Creamer Bron McFarlane Dr Ross Skinner Dr Pamela CroftWarcon Julie Mann Prof Bronwyn Fredericks
The Office of Indigenous Engagement Team
What are the entry requirements for TEP? Presently there is no entry test, but an entry test to be incorporated by Term 1, Articulation from and to TAFE courses. Articulation to Office of Indigenous Engagement’s Community Aspirations Program (CAP-ED).
Where and when can students study TEP? Distance study only. Compulsory Residential Schools. Enrolments in Terms 1, 2 or 3 – limited TEP courses available in Term 3. Full-time or part-time. Traditionally TEP required completion of 8 courses. It has now adapted to a model where a variable number of courses are required depending upon a student’s undergraduate career goals and / or depending on a student’s previous study and work experiences.
TEP courses available in 2014? * EDED40351 Culture and Learning * EDHE40005 Independent Learning * COMM40054 Introduction to Creative Writing * EDCU40029 Numeracy Concepts & Applications * EDHE40006 Academic Communication * INDG40007 Indigenous Australians & Politics * LAWS40047 Introduction to Law in Australia Students requiring science, advanced mathematics and computing courses are cross-enrolled in STEPS courses (mainstream enabling program).
TEP courses available in 2015? * EDED40351 Culture and Learning * EDHE40005 Independent Learning * COMM40054 Introduction to Creative Writing * EDCU40029 Numeracy Concepts & Applications * LAWS40047 Introduction to Law in Australia * Indigenous Australians and Health * Indigenous Australians and Education * Indigenous Australians: Business and Economy * Indigenous Australians: The Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Students requiring science, advanced mathematics and computing courses are cross-enrolled in STEPS courses (mainstream enabling program).
Questions? Dr Ross Skinner Office of Indigenous Engagement