Who should take French 1A, B, C? 1A is for BEGINNING STUDENTS ONLY French 1B: Students need to pass French 1A with a C or better to be in 1B or have the equivalent of one year of high-school French. French 1C: Students need to pass French 1B with a C or better to be in 1C or have the equivalent of two years of high-school French.
Adding and dropping You may add or drop a course in the School of Humanities up to the end of the second week of classes with a code given by the instructor. Requests to add or drop after the second week will be granted only with the approval of the Language Director.
Passing to the next level of French You must complete this class with a grade of C or better. (C- is not sufficient.)
Jansma et al. Motifs 5 th edition 1 iLearn online system access card 2 Dictionary (Recommended)Dictionary (Recommended) 3 Textbook
You will develop the ability to speak and understand conversational French through active use of French in the classroom. You will become familiar with basic principles of French language structure through assigned exercises and class discussion. You will develop an awareness of and sensitivity to French and francophone life and culture through reading and discussion in French. You will practice writing coherently and correctly in French, on topics of general interest, through regular writing assignments.
DOING YOUR BEST WORK Homework: Homework is due on the date for which it is assigned. Late homework will not be graded. iLearn: Check calendar online daily Attendance and participation: Nothing you do in this class is more important than being in class and participating actively. Exams & Quizzes:The best ways to prepare for the exam are to participate actively in class, to work consistently with iLearn, and to seek help from your instructor when needed.
ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING Midterm exam: 15% Final exam: 20% Oral exam & oral presentation:20% Quizzes: 15% Writing assignments: 15% Homework: 10% Participation & attendance: 5%
OPPORTUNITIES OUTSIDE THE CLASSROOM La table française: meets weekly for informal conversation in French (time & location TBA) French Club French Film Series & other events throughout the quarter (TBA) Study Abroad Programs
Study in FRANCE UC Education Abroad Program Deadline: January for summer, fall & year options Study Abroad Center 1100 Student Services II Programs for most majors with beginning through advanced French language skills!
Contact information Allan MacVicar, Ph.D Instructor in French Office: HIB 203 Office Hours: TBA Maryse Mijalski Academic Coordinator HIB207