Brian Camp Dana McAlhany Anijka Stone Jeremy Hutcherson Jonathan Snow Melissa Yale February 23, 2000
Overview Rowing Shell Seat Oars Footstretcher
What is it? Footstretcher shoes footplate main bar safety string
Existing Product Limitations one size fixed shoe fixed bar width difficult maintenance dirty
Why are we doing this? Compatible for men and women Compatible with other boat widths Removable shoes (quick and easy) Lighter weight Marketable
Problem Statement Removable shoes Compatible with existing boats Lightweight Corrosion resistant Comfortable to rower (size) Comply with safety standards Durable while affordable to customers
Criteria and Selection Criteria Weighting Full systems for evaluation
Our Model Features: snowboard binding nylon strap buckles two bar footplate screw adjustment
Comparison Models Second Choice VespoliHudson
Plans and Challenges 3-D Modeling – unknown dimensions, assembly Engineering Analysis – defining characteristic equations Prototyping – small, intricate parts Testing – time constraints
Questions? Melissa, Jonathan, Dana, Brian, Anijka, Jeremy