The Five Themes of Geography Chapter 1, Section 1
What is geography? Geography is the study of the earth. Geographers work to answer two specific questions: Where are things located? Why are they there?
The Five Themes of Geography To help answer those questions, geographers look at the world from the perspective of five different themes, or ideas: Location Region Place Movement Human-Environment Interaction
Location The first theme geographers use to understand the world is location. Understanding where something is is a major question for geographers. Geographers talk about two kinds of location: Relative location – describing’s something location in relation to something else Exact location – describing something’s location using a coordinate system
Location One tool geographers have for describing location is the compass rose. The compass rose helps geographers to identify the cardinal directions – north, south, east and west – as well as the intermediate directions – northwest, northeast, southeast and southwest.
Location: Latitude and Longitude When geographers need to give an exact location, they use latitude and longitude. Latitude and longitude lines are measured in degrees. These degrees divide the globe into a grid.
Location: Latitude Latitude measures the distance north or south of the Equator, or 0° latitude.
Location: Longitude Longitude measures the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian, or 0° longitude.
Location: Latitude and Longitude To give an exact location, geographers can use a map to find a location’s coordinates – the latitude and longitude degrees. For example, Mount Holly, NJ is located at 40 °N, 75 °W.
Location: The Hemispheres Latitude and longitude lines also allow geographers to describe location with hemispheres. The Equator divides the Earth into a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere. The Prime Meridian divides the Earth into a Western Hemisphere and an Eastern Hemisphere.
Place The second theme geographers study is place. Place looks at all of the physical and human characteristics that exist within a location, such as landmarks and landforms. Places can often be locations themselves: For example, New Jersey is a location, and Edison is a place within that location. However, Edison can also be a location, and Wardlaw-Hartridge is a place within that location … and so on!
Region To help compare and contrast different locations, geographers use the theme region. Regions are locations that are grouped together because they have something in common. Regions are often formed because of similarities in their populations, history, climate, or physical features.
Region What features tie together the states in the Southwest region?
Region What features tie together the Catskills region of New York?
Movement Geographers use the theme of movement to help understand how people move across locations and regions. Movement examines the ways that people, goods and ideas travel around the world, influencing culture, history and politics.
Human-Environment Interaction The final theme geographers consider when doing their work is Human-Environment Interaction. This theme looks at the ways people depend on their environment, adapt to their environment, and change their environment.