Algebra 2 Development Coretta Hoffman Moses Lake School District
Why Legislative Mandate for a 3 rd credit of math Legislative Mandate for a 3 rd credit of math State Board of Education ruling State Board of Education ruling 3 rd credit of HS level math to be taken AFTER successful completion of Algebra and Geometry 3 rd credit of HS level math to be taken AFTER successful completion of Algebra and Geometry 3 options – Algebra 2, CTE course aligned with Algebra 2 standards, other HS math course better aligned to career pathway 3 options – Algebra 2, CTE course aligned with Algebra 2 standards, other HS math course better aligned to career pathway
More Why More Why CTE course aligned to WA Algebra 2 standards didn’t exist CTE course aligned to WA Algebra 2 standards didn’t exist Districts were contacting OSPI for guidance regarding this option Districts were contacting OSPI for guidance regarding this option
What Create a course which is application based and aligns to WA State Algebra 2 standards, College Readiness Standards and CTE Standards Create a course which is application based and aligns to WA State Algebra 2 standards, College Readiness Standards and CTE Standards Partnership led by key staff from major education agencies Partnership led by key staff from major education agencies State Board of Education, Kathe Taylor State Board of Education, Kathe Taylor Transition Math Project, Bill Moore Transition Math Project, Bill Moore OSPI, Greta Bornemann and Betty Klattenhoff OSPI, Greta Bornemann and Betty Klattenhoff
Career Cluster Focus: Architecture and Construction Architecture and Construction Finance Finance Health Science Health Science Information Technology Information Technology Manufacturing Manufacturing Marketing Marketing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Mathematical Focus: Modeling non-linear functions and systems Modeling non-linear functions and systems Solving non-linear functions and systems Solving non-linear functions and systems Algebraic transformations and inverse variation Algebraic transformations and inverse variation Data analysis and statistical representation Data analysis and statistical representation
College Readiness Focus: This course will actively promote and teach the Student Attributes as described in the Washington College Readiness Standards. A student in this course: This course will actively promote and teach the Student Attributes as described in the Washington College Readiness Standards. A student in this course: Demonstrates intellectual engagement Demonstrates intellectual engagement Takes responsibility for own learning Takes responsibility for own learning Perseveres when faced with time-consuming or complex tasks Perseveres when faced with time-consuming or complex tasks Pays attention to detail Pays attention to detail
Who STUDENTS WHO STUDENTS WHO ha ve successfully completed Algebra I or Integrated Math I and Geometry or Integrated Math II ha ve successfully completed Algebra I or Integrated Math I and Geometry or Integrated Math II prefer a context driven math curriculum prefer a context driven math curriculum enjoy creating mathematically based products or completing mathematically based projects enjoy creating mathematically based products or completing mathematically based projects need this type of mathematical reasoning for their career paths need this type of mathematical reasoning for their career paths
When August 2009 initial planning August 2009 initial planning December 2009 beginning module development December 2009 beginning module development February 2010 Model module developed February 2010 Model module developed February – July 2010 course development February – July 2010 course development September 2010 – June 2011 pilot course and modules September 2010 – June 2011 pilot course and modules September 2011 Implementation (pending funding) September 2011 Implementation (pending funding)
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