UNMIL ORM IMPLEMENTATION In compliance with United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations and Department of Field Support, DPKO and DFS Policy Directive of 10 April 2008, on Aviation Operational Risk Management (ORM) and the ORM Policy Directive Implementing Guidelines dated 24 April The said Policy came into effect on 30 April Mission Management was to submit to the Director LSD, not later than 12 June 2008, a roadmap for the implementation of ORM. This roadmap was to contain implementation strategies, milestones and prioritized list of targeted processes and procedures.
UNMIL MILESTONES To establish the Implementing Task Group (ITG) through an inter-office memorandum from the DMS, with a representative from Aviation, Movcon, Force Air Operations, UNPOL, Aviation Safety and Security. By 30/06/2008, DMS To create a detailed flow chart of the UNMIL Aviation air tasking processes to identify areas of weaknesses in the aviation tasking processes that hazards may slip through. By 15/07/2008 Implementing Task Group(ITG) Identify the key areas (targeted areas) to implement ORM in planning and execution. Identify the risks and hazards associated with different type of operations (including Military and Police) by 15/08/2008, ITG Identify specific risks and hazards applicable to Airfield/HLS and Ramp management; Fuel management, Passengers/Cargo handling, Dangerous Goods handling, Fire Fighting management by 31/09/2008, CAVO & C/MOVCON
UNMIL MILESTONES Establish the UNMIL decision making structure for the Aviation tasking process. At this point it will clearly be established in writing who is authorized to decide what level of risk and shall be included in the SOP for each particular Unit. By 15/10/2008 by CAVO Identify the ORM tools and measures to be integrated in the existing SOPs. Create hazard identification and go no go checklist for the different Units by 30/10/2008 by ITG Review the existing Aviation and MOVCON SOPs as necessary 30/11/2008 CAVO & C/MOVCON ORM implementation fully incorporated in daily Aviation activities. 31/12/2008 UNMIL
FORMATION OF UNMIL ORM ITG On 19/08/2008 the ORM ITG was formed by: CAVO, as Chairman, CASO Chief Air Operations Centre Chief MOVCON Chief TCQA UNPOL Force Air Operations Aviation Safety Unit
WORK OF THE ITG ITG concentrated on bold actions which may be undertaken when benefits of those actions outweigh the probability of severity of loss. Carried out analysis of current practices that are aimed at reducing risks that we currently accept. Provided enhanced decision making skills based on reasoned repeatable process. The discussion was aimed at improving confidence in Unit`s capabilities. Adequate risk analysis provided a clearer picture of the Unit`s strengths and weaknesses.
PRELIMINARY HAZARD ASSESSMENT (PHA) It was made clear that some degree of risk is a fundamental reality. That risk management is a process of tradeoffs. Quantifying Risk alone does not ensure safety. That risk is a matter of perspective The steps followed were 5-M`s, Man, Machine, Media (Environment), Management and Mission, detailed in the next slide.
PHA The UNMIL aviation system was quantified as all activities undertaken using all UNMIL aviation air assets. Functional hazards analysis were carried out highlighting malfunctions, machine operations, human errors and omissions and external events. A preliminary hazards lists were developed. From the preliminary lists, contributory factors to the hazards were listed Hazards control baseline were established using existing control measures contained in the SOPs. The potential outcomes of the hazards, effects and impacts were determined. The hazards were ranked and risk assessment made. The recommended corrective actions were done apportioning accountability and the levels of decision making. Checklists were drawn up, and ORM was implemented on January 1, 2009 in all the UNMIL aviation activities. Monitoring the implementation and its challenges are being done by CAVO and CASO
OUTCOMES The Implementation was made clear at all levels, and documented in a user friendly way. Each Unit or Section was made responsible for the implementation of the identified control, with appropriate level of accountability. Prior to implementing a control measure, appropriate approval must be obtained from the respective supervisor. All personnel who are identified as could be affected by the implementation of a control measure were involved.
CHECKLISTS A total of 11 ORM checklists were developed, to be implemented together with the current SOPs, covering: Planning & Scheduling, Technical Compliance (TCQA), Air Operations Centre, Airfield Management, Force Air Operations, and MOVCON (Transportation of passengers, cargo and dangerous goods), MEDVAC, CASEVAC, and VIPs operations.
UNMIL CURRENT POSITION IN IMPLEMENTING ORM Monitoring of the effectiveness of the ORM Checklists is on-going by CAVO and CASO. A review of the effectiveness shall be made, after the season change, i.e. in May or June 2009, when the rainy season will have started. A reasonable time has to be provided to ascertain personnel behaviors, morale, and performance in the implementation of ORM.