November 10 th, 2009 Appoqunimink School District Board Meeting Request for Waiver as per Title 14, Section 1705A.
Delaware Law Title A (a) The ratio of students to instructors in any class in kindergarten or grades 1-3 in a Delaware public school shall not exceed 22 students as of the last school day of October. In calculating such ratio, a classroom instructional aide shall count as equal to half a teacher. This subsection shall only apply to a class within students are instructed in the core academic subjects of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.(a) The ratio of students to instructors in any class in kindergarten or grades 1-3 in a Delaware public school shall not exceed 22 students as of the last school day of October. In calculating such ratio, a classroom instructional aide shall count as equal to half a teacher. This subsection shall only apply to a class within students are instructed in the core academic subjects of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. (c) A local school board may waive subsection (a) at a public meeting noticed for that purpose…(c) A local school board may waive subsection (a) at a public meeting noticed for that purpose…
Total rooms that do not meet the student / teacher ratio for K through Grade 3: AECC – 1 - 8AECC – CLECC CLECC TECC TECC SLE SLE TES TES CLE CLE OBL OBL BME BME BHE BHE Rooms are 1 over with Rooms are 2 over with 24 5 Rooms are 3 over with 25.
Status of class size in each school:
Room Number: 10/30/09 Student Count Appoqunimink Early Childhood Center: Waiver Needed
Cedar Lane Early Childhood Center: No Waiver Needed # # # # # # # # # # # # #
Townsend Early Childhood Center: Waiver # 101 # # # # 108/FT Para 24 # 110/ FT Para 23 # # 114 Two Teachers 26 # B # B
Brick Mill Elementary: Waiver D F D F D F D C D E D E D E E F E F E F E 109 Two Teachers 23 F
Bunker Hill Elementary School: Waiver 101 Two Teachers Two Teachers Two Teachers 22
Cedar Lane Elementary: Waiver # A 4 22 # A 5 22 # A 6 24 # 18 Two Teachers 26 A 7 24 # 25 Two Teachers 26 A 8 23 A 1 22 # 19 Two Teachers 25 A 2 Two Teachers 25 # A 3 23
Olive B. Loss: Waiver C C C A 129 Teacher plus p/t teacher 23 C A C C C C C C C C C C 134/ Two Teachers 23 C C
Silver Lake Elementary: Waiver
Townsend Elementary: Waiver Two Teachers Two Teachers
Average K – 3 Class Size by school for 2009 School Avg. K-3 Class Size AECC21.8 BME21.9 BHE23.4 CLECC20.8 CLE23.3 OBL22.9 SLE20.1 TECC21.8 TES22.3
Additional data from past years: Year Average number of students over the