Teachers Name : Suman Sarker Telecommunication Technology Subject Name : Computer Controller System & Robotics Subject Code : 6872 Semester :7th Department : Electronics Ideal Institute Of Science & Technology (IIST)
Lecture – 06 Ch - 06 FUNDAMENTALS OF ROBOT
In the 1920's, Karl Capek from Czechoslovakia introduced the world's first robot on stage. His play was entitled "Rossum's Universal Robots." The theme of the play was robots controlling humans in society. The word “ROBOT”
The word "robot," a Czech term for forced labour or serf, was also introduced by a Capek. Karl was wondering what to call the "artificial workers" in his play, and he thought they should be called "labori." His brother didn't like that idea, and muttered that they should be called "robots." Then, the term "robot" was born.
Robots can be classified according to six different characteristics: – use – mobility – motion control – Capability – arm configuration – end effector. Types of Robots
Teach pendant The Teach Pendant is a hand-held robot control terminal that provides a convenient means to move the robot, teach locations, and run robot programs. The teach pendant is a useful tool, allowing the user to move away from the host computer terminal and control the robot locally.
Typically a robot application is programmed with teachable variables used later in the programming language. Once the application is setup, it is convenient to use the teach pendant to teach the locations for the application. Figure 1.4 shows the teach pendant, and also in the left image the security button is pointed.
Manipulator The Stäubli TX60 series (Figure 1.5) is a six rotational degrees of freedom manipulator, whose main features and benefits are: Arm integral casing Rigid Mechanical structure Spherical work envelope Compact and robust wrist User's connections near to the tool High speeds and accelerations High accuracy & repeatability Compact footprint High dexterity High reliability & low maintenance
Assembled Robot
The goal of this chapter is to introduce the basic terminology and notation used in robot geometry and kinematics, and to discuss the methods used for the analysis and control of robot manipulators. The scope of this discussion will be limited, for the most part, to robots with planar geometry. The analysis of manipulators with three-dimensional geometry can be found in any robotics text
Next Lecture ROBOT JOINT