AFRL Nuclear S&T Investment Strategy Dr. David Hardy SES Associate Director for Space Technology Air Force Research Laboratory 27 August 2010
2 AFRL Mission Leading the discovery, development, and integration of affordable warfighting technologies for our air, space and cyberspace force. AFRL is the S&T arm of the AF
3 Sustainment/Modernization Challenges Maintenance of Nuclear Enterprise is an AF priority - failure is not an option S&T has a critical role for both sustainment and modernization Challenges to inserting technology in current systems –Existing capability must be maintained Looking for Form-Fit-Function replacement Must preserve nuclear certifications –Tough trades in incorporating more modern technologies Must maintain the force availability Can’t adversely impact overall system reliability, sustainability, affordability Challenges to developing technology for future systems –Determining the S&T needed to enable adequate trade space Need for systems engineering and development planning for future delivery systems Using these to define most critical S&T needs to support those systems Vigorous and continual process underway between AFRL/AFGSC/AFNWC to define S&T way ahead
4 Nuclear Deterrence and Strike AFRL has prime responsibility for S&T needed to support sustainment and modernization for: ALCM ICBM Strategic Bombers Nuclear Com On-going AFRL Technologies: –Present Support Thermal Protection Systems Guidance Propulsion –Technology competencies Advanced Materials Propulsion Information Technology Sensors Human Effectiveness Air Vehicles AFRL has the core expertise to develop and execute the S&T programs needed to support the nuclear enterprise
5 Way-Ahead Needs Cycle Have initiated process to define needs and develop S&T solutions –Command/Centers/AFRL fully engaged –Targeting written/prioritized S&T guidance from the command by 2Q FY11 Targeting FY14 POM for implementation of new S&T investment to meet needs Working with command and center to identify critical needs that need earlier investment Continuing to support already identified needs
6 Summary AFRL recognizes critical role that S&T needs to play to sustaining the current nuclear systems and laying the S&T foundation for their modernizations. AFRL has a broad technology base and S&T development capabilities to bring to bare Success will require a collaborative effort across the Nuclear Enterprise community Engagements are underway by AFRL to ensure it fulfills its critical role Enabling the Future of the Air Force Nuclear Enterprise is a Top Priority of the AFRL Senior Leadership