God’s Plan for Reaching Everyone Globally; Name Your Country Adopt a Country, Mission or Missionary Our Daily Bread, Missions Box 1934 Redmond OR USA
Seek God. Be Open and Choose a Country: The whole Country or Mission? Where the (region) is located. Tell which continent your country is located on and which countries are its neighbors. Their beliefs. Needs, Peculiar circumstances, etc. For information : Go to: Global Missions Initiative Adoption Program & Services:
Brief overview of the initial adoption steps and why adopt: Why Adopt? It is scriptural. We are to be like Him. Select a people. This is an important step as we are commanded by scripture to go into all the world and preach the gospel, baptize them, but also teach them to observe all things. Register Your Adoption and or register your decision to pray. Registering your commitment is good for several reasons; the first is accountability to God so others can walk with you. Praying for an unreached people is essential to seeing God's purposes established. Ephesians 6:12 states that, "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." Researching your unreached people gives your group the information and motivation to pray and provides assistance for determining other areas of potential involvement or support. Sustaining the adoption. Even though we are to be led by His Spirit and the commitment we make is really to Him, sometimes the initial excitement of a church adoption can grow cold without leadership who regularly bring the unreached people's culture and needs before the advocacy prayer group or congregation.
Facts about your country: Introduction & Background Geography or special geographic needs People (population), Ethnic groups, Religions, Languages, Literacy, (special needs or circumstances) Government (what kind) Economy Communications
Region of your Country Describe what is happening in the region. Current events Major Issues; war, famine, drought, earthquakes *Not to get caught in the bad, but speaking into existence what is needed. Pray for the peoples or region, speaking life into the people and region. Claim the area for God and His purpose.
History of (your country) Make a timeline of the important historical events of your country or province.
Customs and Traditions of the People Some customs and traditions are good and ok, and some really need to be dealt with. The point of all of this is you are presenting the information to your group or church about the aspects. From the information, understanding the needs or traditions, we the body in unity can release God’s Spirit on the people or region. Things will change. Some things will get worse and some better.
Government of (your country) Explain how laws are made and changed in your country. Tell how people are chosen to lead the country. Pray that God’s government come forward and be put in place (five- fold gift ministry). Pray that the believers learn who they are in Christ, their authority, purpose and gifts, that they move in love and unity AS ONE BODY.
Economy of (your country) Explain which goods and services are produced in your country. How do people typically provide for the needs of themselves and their families? What drives the countries economy. How can the body come together to change the focus of the economy, (His promise in His covenants is if we do it His way, He will provide). Reinstating the royal priesthood in the country.
How to Pray for Unreached Peoples: Intercession, the Church & Evangelization “How all things on earth can change, if we believe and act.” Work as one body, gather believers to be involved. BREAKING DEMONIC ALLEGIANCES RECOGNIZE THE SPIRITUAL LANDSCAPE IS PRAYER IMPORTANT? YOU DECIDE (Be committed, it is life and death, by what we do and the power of the tongue.) BE A WATCHMAN We need to be like a watchman. LAYING SIEGE AND WATCHING (Claim as holy ground: We are to take back that which the enemy has stolen. This is done by faith and our declaration. As we walk we stand on God's Covenant promise of Joshua 1:3, "Every place on which the sole of your foot treads, I have given it to you," and Ephesians 6:15, "having shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of peace." ) INTERCESSION AND INFORMATION (network prayer and information) FOCUS ON GOD - NOT ON DEMONS (speak solutions and not problems, what we speak we will receive) DECLARE GOD'S WISDOM (Calling into existence)
Next Steps Choose the country or missionary. Inform ODB so we can record the adoption and we can come in agreement with you and help you in the adoption and after the adoption. It is also so others that are adopting as well can pray for you also. For further information Contact: Our Daily Bread, Missions Adoption Services Box 1934 Redmond, OR