Berkeley A Public Awareness Program for Multi-Modal Transit User Conflicts Pro Walk / Pro Bike Conference 2004 Studio L’Image, Berkeley CA Sue Labouvie and Max Heim, Principals Stanford University Parking & Transportation Services Carolyn Helmke, Bicycle Program Coordinator City of Berkeley Office of Transportation Heath Maddox, Transportation Planner
Project Context Riding bikes on sidewalks is illegal in Berkeley.
Project Context Pedestrian advocates were complaining about bikes on sidewalks as a danger to pedestrians, particularly elderly and people with disabilities.
Project Context Police felt like they could not enforce the law because ticket prices were steep and the feeling was that most cyclists did not know the law.
Project Context Cyclists felt that just saying “No Bikes on Sidewalks” communicated a negative message, and that they wanted to put a more positive message in the public context.
Project Context By talking to both cyclists and pedestrians, the project team decided that the dual message of “Walk Your Bike on Sidewalks, Ride Your Bike on Streets” was a more user-balanced and effective message.
Project Context A pilot program was installed on four blocks in downtown Berkeley, comprised of signage, posters, and sidewalk pavement markings.
Project Goals 1. Develop a broad-based program that considers all user conflicts: cyclists and pedestrians cars and cyclists pedestrians and cars
Project Goals 2. Develop messages that help reinforce proper behaviors for all user groups.
Project Goals 3. Ensure signs reference applicable city codes and laws, at the request of enforcement personnel.
Public Outreach Public meetings were held to solicit input from all user groups, including law enforcement.
Design Concepts Signage, poster and stencil concepts were refined over a course of review meetings.
Final Design Signage, poster and stencil concepts were approved for production.
Pilot Program Installed April 2004.
For more information… /Bicycling/BikesonSidewalks.htm City of Berkeley Office of Transportation