6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau WP5: Exploitation and Dissemination General approach and scheduling on deliverable: D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau WP 5: The Deliverables D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan D5.2 Dissemination Actions Report D5.3 Final Packaging and Distribution Strategy Report
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan The major responsibility of this deliverable is to: 1. Define goals: develop a common understanding of dissemination necessity and to define the major target communities. 2. Shape contents: decide the types of information to deliver, to shape the key messages, and to define the right format(s) and channels based on L2C’s assets and needs. 3. Schedule actions and activities: define, plan and schedule the key actions and activities, for both the entire project and for each partner, which will implement the dissemination objectives of L2C.
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan To fulfill the above-mentioned aims, the following processes have been identified for disseminating the project outputs: Definition of Corporate Identity Organization of Exhibition Activities Organization of Project Technical Demonstration Workshop Production of Academic Papers/ Book Development of the project Web-site Press Releases Brochures & leaflets Development of Promotional Literature Production of DVD.
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Executive Summary 1. Introduction 2. Communities and Users 3. Dissemination Media and Material 4. Dissemination Activities 4.1.Activities planned Annex A: Dissemination Activities Template
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau D5.1 Dissemination and Exploitation Plan Dissemination Activities Template [1] Meeting, event, publication, contacts, or any other dissemination action carried out or planned to be carried out ; [2] Indicate the users or intermediary community addressed through 1; [3] Please specify the dissemination-linked activities in 1; [4] Please specify which dissemination tools you plan to use; [5] How many persons will be reached by the activity? [6] Messages vs. specific target.
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau D5.2 Dissemination Actions Report
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Dissemination Activities Report Deliverable D5.2 is presenting the dissemination activities of the L2C The national level The inter-national level The Scientific/academic level The Commercial level The User-oriented level The Purpose of the deliverable
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Dissemination Activities Categorization Awareness Activities Awareness material,seminars, workshops, showroom, excibition “Intermediaries” Activities, Intermediaries Networking, training the trainers. Focused user support. Customized support: provision of focused advice Hands-on Trials: concentration of best practice material
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Issues to be COVERED What is offered ? To whom is it offered? What is the competition? How is it offered & at what price? What are the required costs & expected profits? Who/What will manage the exploitation? Del 5.3 Final Packaging and Distribution Strategy Report
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau Target Market Segments Prioritisation of target segments Key Targeted countries The competitive advantages of L2C Pricing schemes Issues to be COVERED
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau 1.Introduction 2.Exploitation Strategy (updated) 3.Product Description (updated) 4.Market Analysis Target Market (updated) Prioritization of target market segments (new) Competition (updated) Competitive advantage & SWOT analysis (new) 5.Sale & Pricing Strategies (new) Sale strategies & Pricing Scheme Distribution & marketing Interest shown by prospective clients 6.Financial Forecasts (new) 7.Exploitation Management (new) 8.Individual Exploitation Plans (new) Final version 1.Introduction 2.Exploitation Strategy 3.L2C Description Methodology Integration methodology and tools 4. Market Analysis Target Market Competition 5.Related RTD Projects Appendix 1: Functionalities of Tools Examined Appendix 2: L2C Market Field Study Initial version Del.5.3
6-7 / 3 /2006 INSEAD Campus - Fontainebleau THANK YOU !