Bucharest, 19 May 2011 Integrated Maritime Policy: Maritime affairs in regional cooperation at sea basin level Daniela GRITTI, European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
2 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 4 Structure of the presentation 1. Introduction: what is the Integrated Maritime Policy? 2. How is it implemented at sea-basin level? 3. Black Sea regional cooperation 4. What the IMP can do in the Black Sea
3 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 4 1. What is the Integrated Maritime Policy?
4 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 3 Origins of the IMP The European Commission’s strategic objectives The Commission sees “the particular need for an all-embracing maritime policy aimed at developing a thriving maritime economy, in an environmentally sustainable manner. Such a policy should be supported by excellence in marine scientific research, technology and innovation”.
5 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 2 Towards An Integrated Maritime Policy Blue Paper 2009 Progress report 2008 European Council Conclusions Green Book
6 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 3 Overall objectives 1.Maximizing the sustainable use of the oceans and sea 1.Building a knowledge and innovation base 1.Delivering the highest quality of life in coastal regions 1.Promoting Europe’s leadership in international affairs 1.Raising visibility for Maritime Europe
7 Security Environment Energy Internal market Research External relations Industry Transport EmploymentFisheries Regional development Maritime policy areas
8 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 4 Policy actions since 2007 Marine Strategy Framework Directive 2008/56/EC Council Regulation on the protection of marine ecosystems in the high seas from the adverse impacts of bottom fishing gears Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change Maritime Research Strategy COM/2008/534 Maritime Transport Space without Barriers Maritime Transport Strategy Council Regulation to prevent IUU Fisheries
9 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 7 Promotion of integrated approaches within Member States Need for national integrated maritime policies (Commission guidelines) Creation of internal coordination structures (Romania has an IC-IMP) Regions and local communities have a role to play (Tuscany, Shleswig-Holstein, Brittany, Asturias..) Stakeholders
10 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 4 2. How this is implemented at the sea-basin level?
11 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 12 Regional approaches Seas are different – regional specificities Geography Political context Economic situation Social situation Environmental challenges Main objective Adapting the IMP to regional challenges and opportunities for specific policy development Providing added value
12 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 12 The Arctic Three objectives: 1.Protecting and preserving the Arctic in unison with its population; 2.Promoting sustainable use of resources; 3.Contributing to enhanced Arctic multilateral governance Communication “The European Union and the Arctic Region”, 20 November 2008
13 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 12 The Baltic The Baltic Sea Strategy adopted on 10 June 2009 Communication + Action Plan To make the Baltic Sea Region: Environmentally sustainable (e.g. process waste water); Prosperous place (e.g. promoting innovation in SMEs); Accessible and attractive (e.g. improving transport links); Safe and secure (e.g. better accident response)
14 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 12 The Baltic: 1st example of macro-regional strategy Objectives - Unblocking key issues and challenges - Better implementation of significant EU and other policies - Wider sense of belonging – more impact of the European project - Integrated approach to policy delivery – necessary for Europe 2020 Principles - Strategies should be EU based - It is not about the money (3 Nos: no new money, legislation, institution) - No bureaucracy for the sake of it: real impact on the ground - Strategies for all stakeholders
15 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 12 The Mediterranean High-Level Mediterranean Conference Online consultation on the implementation of the IMP in the Mediterranean Expert group on maritime governance in the Mediterranean Communication “EU strategy to improve maritime governance in the Mediterranean Sea”– adopted on 11 September 2009 → A Working Group consisting of representatives of all Mediterranean states and organisations to discuss how to improve governance of maritime affairs
16 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 12 The Atlantic Strategy for the Atlantic in the making: -Scoping paper -Online consultation Will be adopted in September 2011 Starting point: clear demand and support from the Member States and regional stakeholders and a clear perspective that the Strategy will provide value-added opportunities
17 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 4 3. Regional cooperation in the Black Sea
18 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 13 Black Sea: regional context Numerous countries concerned Variety of status of coastal states in the region (EU MSs, candidate countries, non-EU states) Several different legal systems BSEC regional cooperation since 1992 EEZs declared – no high seas No regional fisheries organisation (ongoing discussions); Bucharest Convention – the only regional sea convention where EC is not a full member (observer status)
19 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union Subtitle: 13 Existing EU Policy Framework and financial instruments The Eastern Partnership - covers Eastern EU neighbours (Russia and Turkey are not part of it), mainly bilateral → AA and DCFTA Black Sea Synergy – regional cooperation (also TR and RU) → sectoral partnerships: environment, transport, energy Report “EU strategy for the Black Sea” adopted by the EP in January 2011 → complementary to the BSS, addressing its shortcomings
20 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 13 Existing initiatives Research -EMODNET -ERANET -ENP/SEIS -Ocean of tomorrow: 2 joint calls on Med and Black Sea Conservation and ecosystem - ACCOBAMS - Sesame (FP7) Pollution - MONINFO - enviroGRIDS (FP7) ICZM: OURCOST Maritime safety: SASEPOL ……………
21 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 4 4. What the IMP can do in the Black Sea
22 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 13 Way forward IMP is a framework integrating policies, which should create synergies among various policy: - Trans European Networks (TEN) - Regional policy (Structural funds and ERDF) - Environmental policy - CAP and CFP Promote better alignment of funds and fill in gaps Promote internal and regional coordination among all actors dealing with the sea (organisations, stakeholders and with non EU countries
23 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union 13 Way forward Black Sea: EEAS in the lead But BSS or strategy should be Project oriented, demand-driven Stronger involvement of local actors Maritime affairs (fisheries, protection of the marine environment, maritime economy..) are at the very heart of such a strategy
24 An integrated maritime policy for the European Union Subtitle: 15 Visit our website Thank you! Daniela Gritti, European Commission, Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries