The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) by Marva Burton
What is the Common Core State Standards Initiative? State-led Effort Provides clear, consistent frameworks for college and workforce Coordinated by National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Collaboration School Administrators Teachers Experts Parents
Why is CCSS important? Students Allows equal access to a good education Enables students to compete with peers Nationally (statewide) Internationally (worldwide) Prepares for college/careers Easier transition between states Helps students to know what is expected of them
CCSS Importance Continued Parents Informs parents What students need to know What students are able to do Encourages Parental Support Students Teachers Parent Involvement Creates opportunities
CCSS Importance Continued Educators Tailored curriculum/teaching methods Promotes deeper understanding for students Promotes in-depth teaching of content Lessons taught aligned with assessments Formative assessments Summative assessments Benchmarks Focused pre-service training and professional development
Myths and Facts of CCSS Myths High standards states must lower standards Standards not internationally benchmarked Teachers not involved in writing the standards No research or evidence Facts Standards built upon advanced thinking/standards International benchmarking—key role Written by teachers/experts, across country Evidence Scholarly research Surveys Assessment Data Comparisons High-performing states/nations
Targeted Subject Areas English Language Arts Reading Emphasis on what students read/skill level of reading Writing Ability to plan, revise, edit, and publish Speaking/Listening Develop skills necessary for formal presentations Oral communication Interpersonal skills Language Essential “rules” of standard written/spoken English Media/Technology Skills related to media use Critical analysis Production of media
Targeted Subject Areas Continued Mathematics K-8 Counting and Cardinality Operations and Algebraic Thinking Number and Operations in Base Ten Fractions Ratios and Proportional Reasoning The Number System Expressions and Equations Functions Measurement and Data Geometry Statistics and Probability
Targeted Subject Areas Continued Mathematics 9-12 Number and Quantity Algebra Functions Modeling Geometry Statistics and Probability
Implementation of CCSS States Voluntary adoption of standards 48 states Currently developing implementation plans/timelines CCSS alignment with existing state standards Professional development for school/district staff CCSS assessments ( )
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Q. How are educational standards determined now? A. States have their own process Developing, adopting, and implementing standards Q. How will states adopt the common core state standards? A. Depends on laws of each state State Boards of Education State Legislatures Q. Will CCSS local teachers from deciding what or how to teach? A. No, local teachers, principals, and superintendents will decide how standards are met. Q. What does this mean for English language learners and students with disabilities? A. Common standards will provide a greater opportunity for states to share experiences and best practices within and across states that can lead to an improved ability to best serve young people with disabilities and English language learners.
For more information Common Core State Standards Common Core National Governor Association issues.html issues.html The Council of Chief State School Officers CCSS Implementation Timeline for Arkansas f f Missouri Department of Elementary/Secondary Education
References Common Core State Standards Initiative Spotlight on the Common Core State Standards Common Core State Standards Initiative