Functional Skills. Objectives 1)To identify different features of applications and their usage 2)To understand the deficiencies in publications and why they are not suitable for purpose 3)To learn how to use certain features in applications to improve publications to make them more suitable for purpose.
Functional Skills. Starter 1)Look at the sheet given to you. Write the feature on the post-it note and write briefly the following: What does this feature do? What is it best used for? Once that is done – place the post it note on the correct Application card around the room. Note some will be in several applications – but choose one.
Functional Skills. Task Z Factor is an initiative from the local council to encourage young children with musical talent. As part of their advertising campaign they have asked a local firm to create for them a Poster, A presentation on the rules, a business card and a spreadsheet summary of the costs. Unfortunately the firm had very little IT experience and the work they produced was not very good. The council has therefore ask Crypt School IT students to come up with something better.
Functional Skills. Task In your groups. You need to decide which items each person looks at to improve. All items are on the ICT Intranet. 1)The poster (Publisher) 2)The presentation (PowerPoint) 3)The business card (Fireworks) 4)The spreadsheet (Excel) 5)And a report to deliver back to the council about what you thought was wrong with the original attempts and to justify your improvements. Please use the report template for this. YOUR REPORT WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED