Health Mrs. Wagner
Well-being of your body, mind and your relationships with other people Closely related to : Quality of Life: the degree of overall satisfaction that a person gets from life What are some personal choices that could lower your quality of life? Improve?
Health used to be defined as absence of illness – why has the emphasis shifted? Health includes Physical, Mental, Social and Emotional well being.
How well the body functions Diet Exercise Sleep Medical/Dental Care
How good you feel about yourself and how well you cope with day to day demands of life Social and Emotional Health How well you get along with others (relationships) and how you deal with emotions (anger, sadness, happiness).
All aspects of health are interrelated Brenda was anxious about her trumpet solo (mental) and she could not eat (physical) and yelled (emotional) at her mother (social).
Broader view of health, in which health is seen as a combination of physical, mental and social well-being To achieve – must focus on all three
Gradual progression through many stages between one extreme and another Illness-Wellness Continuum – model that illustrates the full range of health between the extremes of illness and wellness Where are you?
Result that a person aims for and works to achieve. Activity: In your journal: Identify a personal health goal you have for this year and list or explain how you plan to achieve your goal.