Summary Planning Module 6
Shift from Weight to Functional Health Embrace Moderation Discover Inner Motivators Align Daily Choices Create & Follow your Wellness Plan
Nurture your: Mind Body Spirit Equally, Regularly & Consistently
Change your MINDSET Study what IS working Not all that is NOT working Thought shifting: Think about what you WANT to achieve Not what you are trying to avoid
Avoid blame Avoid excuses You are wonderful just as you are Accept who you are at your core Release guilt Unlock the freedom to move forward
Fully embrace your value “You make time for what you value” Reconcile mixed messages Explore what self-care means to you Make time for self-care, Pay yourself first
You care for others… Serve versus receive Renew your receiving skills Keep your cup filled up to the full until it overflows Give from the overflow
Are you ready to Get REAL? To make changes to enhance your life? Complete your wellness plan Now is the time! Make the choices- Commit to it- Sign your name to your plan- Check in with someone to stay on track-
You are wonderful just as you are Rediscover who YOU are You are worthy of self-care Nurture: Mind, Body,& Spirit Plan for health & wellness Build a life you enjoy
Put pen to paper Make your choices Set a short-term & long term goal Set the date Make it realistic & obtainable When you reach that goal, set a new one You can do this!
Accept that deviation will happen Create a plan to deal with it Shake off discouragement Stay away from old comfortable habits Know triggers & have a plan to offset them
Take responsibility for yourself! Accept when you don’t meet your goals Avoid blame & excuses Avoid guilt & destructive thoughts Give praise for accomplishments Celebrate victories
Evaluate & revise your plan regularly & as needed Modify your plan if you become bored or unhappy with it Discipline your habits by choice, not by chance Have a person to call or if discouraged or facing a set back
You are unique, and so are your: Responsibilities Schedule Personality & what motivates you Value your overall health & wellness You are worthy of self-care Make time for your nourishment daily Pay yourself first, you’ll help others more
Embrace your Personal Wellness Plan With guidance, you chose what would work for you & your lifestyle With: Sincere desire Commitment & Hard work You can achieve anything!