The Reasons for Marriage
Reminders: Article Assignment Due Monday. Be sure to include a copy of the article along with a typed or hand written response to the article. if you have any questions on the weekend. All info is on my Wiki! “Nell” movie questions over-due. Today’s Class Objectives: Revisit the 3 meanings of marriage Learn the “idea of marriage” Discuss the various pros and cons of marriage
Marriage is the most traditional social norm which represents one extreme of a continuum, viewing marriage as a sacred phenomenon. This means that the family and marriage are divine and holy institutions created by God as a supreme being. This was most widely accepted before the 20 th Century.
Another traditional norm, widespread and widely accepted into the early 1990ss, views marriage and the family as rooted in social obligations. The primary values of marriage and the family are to maintain social respectability, conform to kin and community wishes, and maintain a proper image within society. Everything “bad” stayed behind closed doors.
The third meaning of marriage suggests that families and marriages exist for the individual. The concern is not with God or society, but with the individual. IF people choose to marry outside their religion, ethnic group, social order, or educational level, that is their business. According to this view, being happy in a marriage is what determines success.
The idea of marriage is highly romanticized in our society through pop culture and the media. Although marriage is still a popular institution, and many people marry, our society does little to prepare people for the new roles they will have to assume after marriage. As we have studied, the rise of common-law relationships is on the rise and this could be a direct cause of the aforementioned point.
Many religious institutions provide education and counseling programs but those not involved in church often do not have any preparation for entering marriage. Only recently has the study of family been introduced into high school. If you were getting married tomorrow, do you feel you would be fully prepared?
Do the following in small groups (5-6) Two groups will meet and brainstorm on the pros/positives and the reasons for marriage and compile a list on the provided sheets. Two groups of will meet and brainstorm on the cons/negatives and reasons not to get marriage and compile a list on the provided sheet. You will have 10 minutes then we will discuss the various results as a class.
1. Emotional Support Important to our wellbeing. 2. Commitment to a Permanent Relationship When people marry, they expect to stay together and work at making the relationship last. 3. Primariness Coming first with another person – having a deeper and more intimate relationship with one special person than all others is linked with the idea of permanence and monogamy.
4. Sexual Exclusivity For most people, marriage provides the setting that promotes sexual enjoyment and pleasure. 5. Procreation and Childbearing In the past, many people married to have children and have economic support. Today we still want a stable relationship with children.
1. Spite, Pity To resolve feelings of rejection or “rebound” 2. Loneliness To prevent isolation 3. Escape To escape from an unhappy home situation (conflict, dictatorial parents, etc).
4. Premarital Pregnancy Abortion is not acceptable and to prevent an unwed pregnancy, the couple decides to marry. This often causes resentment, conflict, etc. 5. Economic Security From spouse (pop-culture: “gold digger”). 6. Sexual Attraction May be short lived.
Now that you have a good sense of some of the pros/const and the positive and negatives of marriage, what do you think about it all? In this class you have learned that there are definite upsides and downsides to marriage and it must be taken with seriousness. The idea and concept of marriage has been thoroughly explored and now you should have a much more holistic sense of this age-old institution. Finally, do this small informal (and anonymous) survey which I will tally for next class!