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Fill in the Web Groups during the Depression
Fill in the Web Groups during the Depression Farmers PoliticiansFamilies Women Mexicans African American Bankers Politicians
Farmers Cutting prices to reduce surplus Dust Bowl destroys crops make it difficult to grow more 1.00 to.20 bushel of wheat African Americans Hire White rather than Black Scottsboro Case 9 Black men illegally riding on a train accused of raping a White woman.
Women Less likely to be hired after all men have families Question the decision to reproduce (decrease in birth rate) Family Extended family Decline in health care Hooverville
Bonus Army Money in 1945 Military closed camps under Hoover Roosevelt disagreed but provided camps and meals Paid in 1936 Germany Nazis in power 1933 Hitler provides jobs in military going to a gun based economy Hitler successfully eliminates all political parties and the other two branches of the German government
The Video 1. How did the video address Germany, the rise of Nazism and the Treaty of Versailles or the end of WWI? 2. Google Räterepublik the Bavarian Soviet Republic. What was going on in Germany? 3. What was the name of the government in control of Germany after WWI? 4. What did the Nazis promise? 5. Who were the communists and fascists? 6. Describe the German economy during the 20s. 7. How did the German government secure a stable German economy? 8. Describe the German government after the US Stock Market Crash. 9. What happens to Nazi support as the German economy crumbles? 10. How id the title “Helped into Power” an appropriate title for this documentary?
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