In All Weathers The Alaskan Climate. What do you think our lesson is about? What are you going to learn about? What are you going to do? It is about …


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Presentation transcript:

In All Weathers The Alaskan Climate

What do you think our lesson is about? What are you going to learn about? What are you going to do? It is about … I think we are going to learn about … We are going: - to give a presentation; - to give a slide-show; - to present our projects.

London is the capital of the U.K.

Washington DC is the capital of the USA.

Canberra is the capital of Australia.

Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.

Ottawa is the capital of Canada.

The United States of America are in North America.

There are fifty states in the USA.

Alaska is in the northwest corner of the USA. It is the largest state.

This is a map of Alaska.

Vitus Bering discovered Alaska in 1741.

Alaska was called “Russian America”.

Russia sold Alaska to the USA in 1867.

Many native tribes live in Alaska.

Anchorage is the biggest city of Alaska.

A website to “Spotlight – 5” Become a member of Internet-club Spotlight!

the Alaskan Сlimate Where’s Alaska? What is the weather there?

The Alaskan Climate Alaska is in the northwest corner of the USA. In winter it is cold with a lot of snow.



PROJECTS The Russian Climate

What have you learnt today? We have learnt about …

Check-up. If the sentence is true, show the green card. If the sentence is false, show the red card and correct the sentence.

Game. Solve the anagrams. A K A A L S M E С L A T I E R W T A E H

Game. Solve the anagrams. Alaska climate weather

Game. Solve the riddle. A little old woman with twelve children, some short, some long, some cold, some hot. What is she?

Game. Solve the riddle. A year

Game. Solve the riddle. What is white and falls on the top of the house?

Game. Solve the riddle. Snow

Game. Solve the riddle. No hands and no feet, no head and no body, but it can open a door.

Game. Solve the riddle. Wind

Game. Magic Bag. We put them on our hands when it is cold.

Game. Magic Bag. Gloves

Game. Magic Bag. We open it when it is raining.

Game. Magic Bag. An umbrella

Game. Magic Bag. We put it on when it is raining.

Game. Magic Bag. A raincoat

Homework You can choose: - SB exercise 4 page 91. Prepare a web page for people who want to visit your country. Write a few words about the weather, then recommend clothes for each season; - WB page 56. Writing a postcard. Read the text as an example, do exercise 1 and then write your own postcard according to the plan in exercise 2.

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Thank you for the lesson.